APP - This would be a brilliant idea and would totally neuter leftists

Let me get this straight if a county has five voters, those five votes have the same electoral power as a county with fifty thousand voters. Only a complete idiot would come up an idea like that. Imagine the gerrymandering once that was implemented. Why do Trump fascist types come up with such nonsense is the hard question.


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Let me get this straight if a county has five voters, those five votes have the same electoral power as a county with fifty thousand voters. Only a complete idiot would come up an idea like that.
That's not how an electoral college works. The more densely populated areas are divided up into many more districts.

What an electoral college does is prevent a strong turnout in some districts (say because of a contentious local race) from overshadowing the voters in districts where there is not a strong turnout.

Imagine the gerrymandering once that was implemented.
Gerrymandering is possible of course, but the system can be set up to avoid it.