Thompson Backs Ethanol Subsidies


Villified User
Thompson Backs Ethanol Subsidies

Oct 3, 1:32 PM (ET)


(AP) Presidential hopeful former Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., speaks to the media in a warehouse at the...
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NEVADA, Iowa (AP) - Republican presidential hopeful Fred Thompson acknowledged Wednesday that he's reversed his position on ethanol subsidies, saying his new stand is based on changes in energy prices and security issues.

Thompson spoke about the issue after touring an ethanol plant, one of dozens in Iowa, which leads the nation in ethanol production. The actor and former Tennessee senator was finishing a five-day trip to the state, where precinct caucuses begin the presidential nominating process.

Meeting with reporters, Thompson acknowledged that he had switched his position on subsidies for ethanol.

"I have voted against subsidies in the Senate," said Thompson. "But I think it's a matter now of national security and we've got to avail ourselves of a lot of different resources, and I think renewable has to be a part of that picture."