Thompson can't win


Villified User
Thompson Is Sparse on Policy Positions

Aug 17, 3:29 AM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - Republicans rushing to embrace Fred Thompson's would-be presidential candidacy might have trouble figuring out what he would do if he actually won the White House.

On most public policy issues, the former Tennessee senator and "Law & Order" actor has offered few, if any, specifics. Even on the dominant issue of the 2008 campaign - the war in Iraq - Thompson has carefully stopped short of wading into what he would do about the conflict should he inherit it, although he has generally backed President Bush.

And before any of the righties say it. yes he is not officially running yet. He seems pretty wussy on it to me. Or maybe it is a rovian plan where freddy will jump in and save the day for the republicans ?

Hey here I am I look serious and am in hollywood, what more could America want ?
Thompson Is Sparse on Policy Positions

"I love Fred Thompson, but I don't know why!" -- Average republican primary voter rube.
He can't win because he associates and is funded by the same people that pushed Bush. If he does he pretty much insures a D Presidency, if it isn't already insured....
He can't win because he associates and is funded by the same people that pushed Bush. If he does he pretty much insures a D Presidency, if it isn't already insured....
I dunno , people are pretty stupid, they reelected boosh.
And about 30% have still not figured it out.
He can't win because he associates and is funded by the same people that pushed Bush. If he does he pretty much insures a D Presidency, if it isn't already insured....

I agree.

At this point, I honestly thing the strongest dude the GOP could put up is Romney. And that's pretty sad, given that he's totally phony and merely a one term governor.

But, oddly enough, he'd be the republican I'd find least distasteful if he got elected. I think he's probably really a moderate, pretending to be a fire breathing NeoCon to the primary base.
Non-Candidate Thompson Campaigns in Iowa

Aug 17, 4:02 PM (ET)


DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - Republican Fred Thompson urged patience on Iraq and declared himself unabashedly opposed to abortion as the all-but-declared candidate behaved like one Friday, campaigning in Iowa and visiting the state fair.

"Keep your powder dry," he told activists as he launched his one-day swing in the early voting state, sounding a series of conservative themes.
yes and I suspect the republican spin machine is goung to trot him out as the saviour of the party. I expect Rove will be controlling his run from behind the scenes.