Thompson Toast With Elitist Jam


Okay, this tears it. Thompson is a scumbag as far as I'm concerned. Fortunately, this new pronouncement will work against him in the general election, if the R's are so retarded as to nominate him.

DES MOINES, Iowa (CNN) – Likely Republican White House hopeful Fred Thompson told CNN Friday that he would work to overturn Roe v. Wade if elected president, and would push for a constitutional amendment that protects states from being forced to honor gay marriages performed in other states.

“I don’t think that one state ought to be able to pass a law requiring gay marriage or allowing gay marriage and have another state be required to follow along,” Thompson told CNN’s John King in an interview Friday.
Thompson added that the U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion “was bad law and bad medicine."

As for when he will jump into the race, the former Tennessee senator said "shortly."
I know that my own negative emotional reaction to the anti-abortion crowd is far more . . . violent, let's say . . . than is that of most people. This makes me biased, by definition. Still, every poll I've ever seen indicates that the majority of Americans do NOT support criminalizing abortion, or even the first step towards criminalization which would be the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Furthermore, I think that many Americans are getting sick and tired of hearing "Abortion is murder! Abortion is murder!" every five minutes. Indeed, they're getting sick of hearing about abortion in general. Repetition is the first principle of propaganda but it can easily backfire too.

This is going to hurt him if he is nominated. Anyone embracing such a position will be hurt by it, I think.
I know these comments are pissing off Democrats, but I do fear that the GOP base will be attracted by it.

Nevermind the fact that he basically threw States' Rights to the curb in his comments about same-sex marriage.

But it really isn't that realistic of a set of goals. If they couldn't do it while the GOP was riding high in 2002-2004, they certainly aren't going to do it in 2008.

Thompson should realize that the next big election isn't about Republicans making the gains they would need in the Congress to pass Constitutional's about the Republicans retaining their last foothold in Federal Government at all!
The reason kthey hang onto this when its a loser in the vast majority of voters is to keep the base tagging along.

They get the rest they need to get elected with dirty tricks like they are trying to do in Cali.

The whole attorney scandal is about keeping voters off the roles.

That is the same purpose of the shitty voting machines they thrust on this country as the answer to the manufactured hanging chad bit.