Those Darn Dems are ging to raise taxes


Villified User
Democrats Seek Formula To Blunt AMT
One Plan Would Impose Surtax Of 4.3% on Richest Households

By Lori Montgomery
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, June 8, 2007; D01

House Democrats looking to spare millions of middle-class families from the expensive bite of the alternative minimum tax are considering adding a surcharge of 4 percent or more to the tax bills of the nation's wealthiest households.

Under one version of the proposal, about 1 million families would be hit with a 4.3 percent surtax on income over $500,000, which would raise enough money to permit Congress to abolish the alternative minimum tax for millions of households earning less than $250,000 a year, according to Democratic aides and others familiar with the plan.

Rep. Richard E. Neal (D-Mass.), chairman of the House subcommittee with primary responsibility for the AMT, said that option would also lower AMT bills for families making $250,000 to $500,000. And it would pay for reductions under the regular income tax for married couples, children and the working poor.

All told, the proposal would lower taxes for as many as 90 million households, and Neal said it has broad support among House leaders and Democrats on the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee. "Everybody's on board," he said.
sounds reasonable.

Between the estate tax, dividend tax cuts, capital gains tax cuts, nearly all the republican tax cuts have benefited the super wealthy. I say high time to give the middle class a break.

Personally, I think taxes should be raised on red states, to pay for their war on Iraq ;)
I've always thought that federal taxes should be higher on states with lower CPIs.
I am willing to pay more taxes to get the deficit reduced so that the next generation doesnt end up paying for the mistakes this admin has made.

There is nothing sleazier than leaving debt to people who had NO way of stopping the stupidity.

Running up debt to leave to our kids is reprehensible to me.
Umm you did not read my post about that did you Damo ?
It was explained.
I can't read them all, uscit. Explain away, it's called spin at that point. Just as their cleanup from the "culture of corruption" seems to only involve those they think are an "enemy" while they support Mr. Collect$500,000inBribesWhileSeekingMillionsMore....

The hypocrisy is getting to a level where we are almost drowning, but heck we'll pretend that it's all good....
I can't read them all, uscit. Explain away, it's called spin at that point. Just as their cleanup from the "culture of corruption" seems to only involve those they think are an "enemy" while they support Mr. Collect$500,000inBribesWhileSeekingMillionsMore....

The hypocrisy is getting to a level where we are almost drowning, but heck we'll pretend that it's all good....

I think it is all good ? Poor damo all this time and you still think I am a partisan demoncrat ? You must still wear your Bush blinders sometimes....
I think it is all good ? Poor damo all this time and you still think I am a partisan demoncrat ? You must still wear your Bush blinders sometimes....
I wasn't talking about you personally. I'm talking about the clear and direct hypocrisy shown by the action over the words.

There is a reason that people are down on the Ds in Congress right now, and it isn't all because of the war.
I wasn't talking about you personally. I'm talking about the clear and direct hypocrisy shown by the action over the words.

There is a reason that people are down on the Ds in Congress right now, and it isn't all because of the war.

absolutely right, the Repubs drug congresses reputation down and the dems are too wussy to do anything about it.

You did not read this entire article either did you, they are working to make this revenue neutral. Ie not really a tax increase by Regan standards.
I can't read them all, uscit. Explain away, it's called spin at that point. Just as their cleanup from the "culture of corruption" seems to only involve those they think are an "enemy" while they support Mr. Collect$500,000inBribesWhileSeekingMillionsMore....

The hypocrisy is getting to a level where we are almost drowning, but heck we'll pretend that it's all good....

You read all mine though, don't you?
absolutely right, the Repubs drug congresses reputation down and the dems are too wussy to do anything about it.

You did not read this entire article either did you, they are working to make this revenue neutral. Ie not really a tax increase by Regan standards.
Oh, I'm not grumbling about the tax thing. Everybody plays with that crap a bit. So long as it doesn't go to the punitive levels that were there before Kennedy we should do well.
Democrats Seek Formula To Blunt AMT
One Plan Would Impose Surtax Of 4.3% on Richest Households

By Lori Montgomery
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, June 8, 2007; D01

House Democrats looking to spare millions of middle-class families from the expensive bite of the alternative minimum tax are considering adding a surcharge of 4 percent or more to the tax bills of the nation's wealthiest households.

Under one version of the proposal, about 1 million families would be hit with a 4.3 percent surtax on income over $500,000, which would raise enough money to permit Congress to abolish the alternative minimum tax for millions of households earning less than $250,000 a year, according to Democratic aides and others familiar with the plan.

Rep. Richard E. Neal (D-Mass.), chairman of the House subcommittee with primary responsibility for the AMT, said that option would also lower AMT bills for families making $250,000 to $500,000. And it would pay for reductions under the regular income tax for married couples, children and the working poor.

All told, the proposal would lower taxes for as many as 90 million households, and Neal said it has broad support among House leaders and Democrats on the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee. "Everybody's on board," he said.

So, basically, you re-introduce the 39.9% tax bracket (conveniently not 40%!).

But I don't know why they just didn't set the AMT to inflation in the first place. Honestly, they were asking for it when they didn't.
Or they could stop spending so freakin' much. I have to say, between sales taxes, "governmental fees", Federal income taxes, state income taxes and property taxes, I think we are taxed enough. Poor or rich. We all need to look at the fckers in office and start holding them accountable for wasting our money away.
Or they could stop spending so freakin' much. I have to say, between sales taxes, "governmental fees", Federal income taxes, state income taxes and property taxes, I think we are taxed enough. Poor or rich. We all need to look at the fckers in office and start holding them accountable for wasting our money away.

When I'm king, I'll make it all into a single consumption tax. That way, you'll pay a 30% VAT. And a 10% VAT, for state.

Simpler, it is.