Those McCain sign thieves


Villified User
CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (AP) - Shawn Turschak of Chapel Hill was tired of someone stealing McCain-Palin campaign signs from his yard. Turschak, with a degree in electrical engineering, hooked up a third sign to a power source for an electric pet fence Monday and also put up a surveillance camera.

The News & Observer of Raleigh reported that a 9-year-old boy with an Obama-Biden sign grabbed the McCain-Palin sign and got a jolt on Tuesday.

The boy's father, Andrew Noble, upset that his son had been shocked, showed up at Turschak's door. Soon an Orange County sheriff's deputy also showed up at the Turschak's home.
He wasn't upset that his son was going to steal?

I would be far more upset and embarrassed that I was going to allow my child to do that, than I would be that a pet fence 'shocked' him...
He wasn't upset that his son was going to steal?

I would be far more upset and embarrassed that I was going to allow my child to do that, than I would be that a pet fence 'shocked' him...

You would be more concerned with yanking up a sign than an attempt on your childs life?
You would be more concerned with yanking up a sign than an attempt on your childs life?
It was no attempt on the kid's life you twit. You have to emote all over this thread too?

Come on. There is nothing deadly about a pet fence.

The casual way the kid grabbed the sign to take it, pretty much gives me the impression this jerk was teaching his kid it's okay to steal from people you disagree with. Then in his embarrassment at getting caught decides to get angry at somebody else rather than himself.

Teach people to treat each other with respect even in disagreement and you will have a better result. Imagine if he'd spent time teaching his kid not to take the signs earlier... What would have happened?
people were stealing obama signs too:

people were stealing obama signs too:

Yeah. I've had to give a few speeches on the subject of sign theft. First if you get caught it only reflects badly on the candidate you are trying to "help" and it isn't very 'melting pot American' to commit larceny because you disagree with somebody.
It was no attempt on the kid's life you twit. You have to emote all over this thread too?

Come on. There is nothing deadly about a pet fence.

The casual way the kid grabbed the sign to take it, pretty much gives me the impression this jerk was teaching his kid it's okay to steal from people you disagree with. Then in his embarrassment at getting caught decides to get angry at somebody else rather than himself.

Teach people to treat each other with respect even in disagreement and you will have a better result. Imagine if he'd spent time teaching his kid not to take the signs earlier... What would have happened?

Damo, you are inventing parts of the story you know nothing about.

Feel free to have the "Please don't pull up or even brush random campaign signs" talk every dad must have with their child someday (and you are a bad parent if you don't)!
Damo, you are inventing parts of the story you know nothing about.

Feel free to have the "Please don't pull up or even brush random campaign signs" talk every dad must have with their child someday (and you are a bad parent if you don't)!
At least this time you aren't saying he was trying to kill anybody. That's just emotive exaggeration. You've gone emo again tonight. You are annoying when you go there. Tomorrow I expect you will again be posting the "shock" posts that everybody ignores.
Electric fences are illegal in most cities.
Really? I haven't heard of any place that wouldn't allow you to use a pet fence. Those things barely shock anything... Before I put one in at our last place I tested it because I wasn't going to use anything that would truly harm the animal.

This place doesn't need one, big enough to let the animals roam without bugging the neighbors...
Really? I haven't heard of any place that wouldn't allow you to use a pet fence. Those things barely shock anything... Before I put one in at our last place I tested it because I wasn't going to use anything that would truly harm the animal.

This place doesn't need one, big enough to let the animals roam without bugging the neighbors...

Yeah in Lexington KY and Tampa FL they are illegal. Years ago in lexington I had kids keep climbing over my chain link fence and wearing it down. Barbed wire and electric was not permitted so I planted poision ivy along it. Problem solved. ps poison ivy does not bother me.
Low tech natural soloutions are sometimes best.

Like smearing mashed up poison ivy on a campaign sign ?
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Campaign sign delivers shocking message
By Jay Price, Staff Writer Comment on this story
CHAPEL HILL — After Shawn Turschak saw two sets of McCain-Palin campaign signs disappear from his yard within hours of being planted, he took some unconventional steps to protect the latest pair.

He ran wires from his house and hooked them into a power source for an electric pet fence. Then he mounted a surveillance camera in a nearby tree and wired it to a digital recorder to identify the thieves.

Tuesday afternoon the camera saw this: A nine-year-old-year-old neighbor trotted up with an Obama-Biden sign in his hand, grabbed a handful of volts as he touched the McCain-Palin sign, then quickly ran away.

A few minutes later the boy’s father, Andrew Noble, was at Turschak’s door, demanding an explanation from Turschak’s 13-year-old daughter, who called her parents to say there was a man there yelling at her. They got home within minutes and soon received another visitor: an Orange County sheriff’s deputy.

The corner where the signs are posted is a prominent point in the Oak Crest subdivision — which is just south of Chapel Hill — so it’s maintained by the homeowners association.

It’s far enough from Turschak’s home that it’s not obviously part of his yard, and the boy’s mother, Johanna Gisladottir, said she and other neighbors thought it was community property. They were troubled, she said, that someone had apparently decided to claim the corner on behalf of the Republican Party.

Her son — who she declined to name — had dashed off with the Obama sign on his own, she said, after being inspired by a discussion she had with a neighbor about adding one to the mix.

“I don’t know what his intention was when he ran out, or I would not have allowed him to leave,” Gisladottir said. “He may have wanted to see how they were put together so he could figure out how to put the Obama on, but I honestly don’t think he had a concrete plan.”

The boy’s father told an investigator that the boy had been trying to pull the sign up so that he could see how it was constructed, a spokesman for the sheriff’s department said. Sheriff Lindy Pendergrass said he had consulted with the district attorney and didn’t plan to file charges in the incident.

If he was trying to damage or remove the sign then he would clearly be wrong, Gisladottir said. Still, she said, there’s no justification to electrifying signs that children can touch, no matter how modest the shock.

Turschak, who has a degree in electrical engineering, said that he had tested the shock on himself while wiring the signs, and did so again while a reporter watched Wednesday, touching both signs repeatedly without flinching. Under each was a yellow sign warning that they were electrified.

Turschak, it turns out, isn’t a member of Orange County’s perennially-embattled Republican minority, which is outnumbered nearly three to one by Democrats. He’s registered as an unaffiliated voter and said he doesn’t agree fully with either party.

“This isn’t about politics,” he said. “This is about my right to protect my property and my ability to display my beliefs.” “I could drive around Chapel Hill and fill up a dump truck with Obama signs if I wanted, but that wouldn’t be right,” he said. “I just expect the same degree of respect out of people who disagree with me.”

Before arriving at his shocking idea, Turschak pondered other approaches, including a sign that would say “Some tolerant, open-minded liberal stole my signs.”

The deputy said there wasn’t anything illegal about pet-fence setup, Turschak said, but suggested that it might make more trouble than it was worth.

Turschak said that he agreed and probably would pull the plug on the signs. The camera, though, will stay.

Video of the junior obamabot getting shocked.