those tax cuts sure helped my paycheck

Wasted effort on Dumpster Donnie's bots.

They could lose everything they own and they'd stand in the street naked and stinking, chanting his name.
The Nazi Youth Trumpanzees aren't the Koch Brothers, but the dumb pieces of shit think that policies endorsed and backed by the Koch Brothers are going to help them.

These fucking crackers are desperate for one thing--they need somebody to be even lower in human value than they are--somebody toward which to feel superior--a different demographic than they. What they need doesn't exist. Trumpanzees are the bottom of the bottom.
Their values suck.
Their demeanor sucks.
Even their grammar sucks.
They diminish the world by their very existence.
Dividends are up. Corporate profits are up. Deficit is up. Debt is up. Health insurance premiums are up.

Everything is up under trump.
The Nazi Youth Trumpanzees aren't the Koch Brothers, but the dumb pieces of shit think that policies endorsed and backed by the Koch Brothers are going to help them.

These fucking crackers are desperate for one thing--they need somebody to be even lower in human value than they are--somebody toward which to feel superior--a different demographic than they. What they need doesn't exist. Trumpanzees are the bottom of the bottom.
Their values suck.
Their demeanor sucks.
Even their grammar sucks.
They diminish the world by their very existence.

I believe this Right Wing Disease gained full steam via Lee Atwater (and Rove etc) back when that racist scumbag Nixon ruled. They propagated a base seething with hatred for 'Lib'ruls" primarily but it extends to all non-white people of course. Look at the frothing they're doing now with Waters. She's obviously black but more importantly to the base, a LIB'RUL!! They seethe on and on forever like a jihadi
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I believe this Right Wing Disease gained full steam via Lee Atwater (and Rove etc) back when that racist scumbag Nixon ruled. They propagated a base seething with hatred for 'Lib'ruls" primarily but it extends to all non-white people of course. Look at the frothing they're doing now with Waters. She's obviously black but more importantly to the base, a LIB'RUL!! They seethe on and on forever like a jihadi
Naaa this shift began in 64 when LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act. He said the That Democrats had lost the South, meaning Southern conservatives, for a generation. He was wrong. Democrats lost The South for going on three generations now.
It doesn't matter what they do to your paycheck. You won't know until you actually file next year whether they saved you money or cost you money. However, as has been stated repeatedly, tax cuts have nothing to do with how much you make but how much you keep. Your gross salary is static in relation to taxes.