Those who think we should spare conservatives are no better than them


Imagine if your five year old had a malignant tumor, and the doctor refused to do anything because he felt sorry for the tumor? You would pull out a shotgun and cleanse him from the Earth in order to get rid of his genes and improve the species. You would be required by law to do this.

And so, why should those who irrationally think we should spare the malignant tumor on society that is conservatism be treated any differently? Conservatives AND their fellow travelers should both be cleansed from society together in the conservative re-education facilities. We cannot afford even one conservative monster surviving. They will spread their evil ways and just come back to destroy humanity again in fifty or so years.
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Imagine if your five year old had a malignant tumor, and the doctor refused to do anything because he felt sorry for the tumor? You would pull out a shotgun and cleanse him from the Earth in order to get rid of his genes and improve the species. You would be required by law to do this.

And so, why should those who irrationally think we should spare the malignant tumor on society that is conservatism be treated any differently? Conservatives AND their fellow travelers should both be cleansed from society together in the conservative re-education facilities. We cannot afford even one conservative monster surviving. They will spread their evil ways and just come back to destroy humanity again in fifty or so years.

the interesting question is, who exactly is it that will carry out your wishes.....after all, the military and police forces are hardly in your camp.....the majority of you abhor weapons......
Imagine if your five year old had a malignant tumor, and the doctor refused to do anything because he felt sorry for the tumor? You would pull out a shotgun and cleanse him from the Earth in order to get rid of his genes and improve the species. You would be required by law to do this.

And so, why should those who irrationally think we should spare the malignant tumor on society that is conservatism be treated any differently? Conservatives AND their fellow travelers should both be cleansed from society together in the conservative re-education facilities. We cannot afford even one conservative monster surviving. They will spread their evil ways and just come back to destroy humanity again in fifty or so years.
100/10, would tattoo it on my back.
CervixHead, you should really spend your time worrying about what you're going to do to earn a living when Conservatives kick you off gov't assistance. The free ride is almost over. Soon, you and many other of your pinhead buddies, will be spending your time, not here on the internet ranting silliness like this, but out there in the real world, learning a good foundational work ethic. By the time you've finished unloading fish trucks or stocking freight, or whatever menial job you'll have to take due to your incompetence, you'll be far too tired to come here and rant. I'm really looking forward to it, perhaps we can actually have civil dialogue again between responsible adults?
I deserve to die. :(

I am a conservative. I am not fit to lead this Kingdom of America any longer. String me up on a noose. Let truer Kings stand forth and deliver us from evil.
CervixHead, you should really spend your time worrying about what you're going to do to earn a living when Conservatives kick you off gov't assistance. The free ride is almost over. Soon, you and many other of your pinhead buddies, will be spending your time, not here on the internet ranting silliness like this, but out there in the real world, learning a good foundational work ethic. By the time you've finished unloading fish trucks or stocking freight, or whatever menial job you'll have to take due to your incompetence, you'll be far too tired to come here and rant. I'm really looking forward to it, perhaps we can actually have civil dialogue again between responsible adults?

The only kind of "government assistance" I get is subsidized loans, which I don't even benefit from yet. I am in something you didn't go to because you're too goddamn stupid, college, and I assure you my classes are considerably more challenging than your job, which consists of, in the immortal words of graphics designer/humorist David Thorne, "ten minutes on for the background, two minutes pretending to consider a typeface other than Helvetica and ten minutes putting it together". And then you fart around and blame the government for everything that's wrong with your sad life for the rest of the work day, at which point you go home and fart around and blame the government for everything that's wrong with your sad life.

BTW, when are you going to move to that desert island with your buried treasure like you promised?
BTW, what form of federal assistance are the Republicans going to get rid of? Would it be something that they failed to get rid of during the six years they had control over all branches of the government, or during Reagan's and Bush I's term? Are they going to invent a new form of government assistance that applies to me and then remove it instantly so that I'll have to go "back to work"? Do you honestly think it's easier to move shit around for 8 hours (which is what I did at my old job before I moved) than to do the kind of math that I do, which is somewhat beyond the 1/3 concept which you fail to grasp?

Face it, Dixie. You are at the bottom of humanity. You are a steaming pile of worthless shit, a social parasite that needs to be stomped on and rid from the planet so that the organism of society that you are leeching off of can survive.
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Imagine if your five year old had a malignant tumor, and the doctor refused to do anything because he felt sorry for the tumor? You would pull out a shotgun and cleanse him from the Earth in order to get rid of his genes and improve the species. You would be required by law to do this.

And so, why should those who irrationally think we should spare the malignant tumor on society that is conservatism be treated any differently? Conservatives AND their fellow travelers should both be cleansed from society together in the conservative re-education facilities. We cannot afford even one conservative monster surviving. They will spread their evil ways and just come back to destroy humanity again in fifty or so years.

Actually you echo a valid view, just too extreme.

It is not conservatives, it is their intolerance that needs to be cleansed. We witnessed a mass temper tantrum by Republicans and conservatives when a Democrat won the White House. Republicans and conservatives decided that if the people wanted someone other than them running the country, then they needed to engage in domestic terrorism. It became their new platform. It was their collective intent to destroy our President and hand him his Waterloo. They even used words like 'insurgency' to describe their tactics. THAT is unacceptable. It is not THEIR country, it is OUR country.

I believe in an inclusive and tolerant society. But inclusion doesn't mean subservience or cowering to people that are anti-democratic and intolerant.

The philosopher Karl Popper said it best in his book 'The Open Society and Its Enemies' when he explained the Paradox of tolerance:

Although Popper was an advocate of toleration, he realized that even a tolerant person cannot always accept another’s intolerance. For, if tolerance allowed intolerance to succeed completely, tolerance itself would be threatened. In The Open Society and Its Enemies: The Spell of Plato, he argued that:

Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.

In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols.

We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law, and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal.

"The Paradox of Tolerance," Karl Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies, Vol. I, Chapt. 7, n.4, at 265 (Princeton University Press 1971)

It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.
Albert Camus
BTW, what form of federal assistance are the Republicans going to get rid of? Would it be something that they failed to get rid of during the six years they had control over all branches of the government, or during Reagan's and Bush I's term? Are they going to invent a new form of government assistance that applies to me and then remove it instantly so that I'll have to go "back to work"? Do you honestly think it's easier to move shit around for 8 hours (which is what I did at my old job before I moved) than to do the kind of math that I do, which is somewhat beyond the 1/3 concept which you fail to grasp?

Face it, Dixie. You are at the bottom of humanity. You are a steaming pile of worthless shit, a social parasite that needs to be stomped on and rid from the planet so that the organism of society that you are leeching off of can survive.

canceling your student loan would save us $3k.......not to mention earning us the eternal gratitude of your professors.....
Two posts of Watermark PWNING Dixie.

canceling your student loan would save us $3k.......not to mention earning us the eternal gratitude of your professors.....

No, it wouldn't. It wouldn't cost you because then you wouldn't be profiting from my paying it back.

Even if I worked at menial labor for the rest of my life I'd have to pay it back, because student debt and debt incurred from intentional criminal activity are the only kinds of debt completely immune from bankruptcy. Even at subsidized rates you're profiting because it's greater than inflation.
No, it wouldn't. It wouldn't cost you because then you wouldn't be profiting from my paying it back.

Even if I worked at menial labor for the rest of my life I'd have to pay it back, because student debt and debt incurred from intentional criminal activity are the only kinds of debt completely immune from bankruptcy. Even at subsidized rates you're profiting because it's greater than inflation.

But you won't pay it back; because you're going to screw around in college and fail.
You'll then have to take some crappy job, you won't pay back the loan, you'll get arrested, and we'll have to pay the cost of trying you and then keeping you in prison, for the rest of your miserable life.
No, it wouldn't. It wouldn't cost you because then you wouldn't be profiting from my paying it back.

Even if I worked at menial labor for the rest of my life I'd have to pay it back, because student debt and debt incurred from intentional criminal activity are the only kinds of debt completely immune from bankruptcy. Even at subsidized rates you're profiting because it's greater than inflation.

we don't expect you to pay it back....we know you.....