Thought for the day


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Ordinary people know and understand something that pro-immigration economists and politicians are ignorant of or simply ignore: uncontrolled immigration does not improve per capita income, or in plain man’s language, immigration does not make ordinary people financially or culturally better off.

In fact it makes them worse off. With cheap immigrant labour, profits are privatised while costs are socialised. Cheap immigrant labour might boost the profits of low wage employers, but in a welfare state the tax payer foots the immigrant bill while watching his local community become a foreign country.

The truth is that, in the modern world, an immigrant economy is an economy that has failed to invest in its own people. Instead of investment in skills and long-term real-economy jobs, a policy of cheap immigrant labour is pursued while large sections of the native workforce are fobbed-off with welfarism and deferred-adulthood “educational” courses that do nothing educational, but make politicians look good by keeping “students” off the unemployment register.