Thoughts on current events.


Shaken, not stirred!
Just imagine if you had a generation of kids who were taught comprehensive, age appropriate sex education from grade to high school...and contraceptives were dispensed like driver's licenses. Abortion would truly be the exception and so common place for them.

I remember when the TV networks showed "inner city" high schools with metal detectors, gates and security guards. Horrors! Those people need discipline and morals, NOT metal detectors and guards! My, my, how the chickens have come home to roost and hatches hypocrisy!

How many Americans are cheering on the Russians who are high tailing it out of the country rather than get conscripted into the army to join the invasion of Ukraine?

I wonder how many of these Americans call those who sought asylum in Canada during the Vietnam War "traitors" and "cowards".

I wonder if they see the irony and hypocrisy?

Just imagine if you had a generation of kids who were taught comprehensive, age appropriate sex education from grade to high school...and contraceptives were dispensed like driver's licenses. Abortion would truly be the exception and so common place for them.

I remember when the TV networks showed "inner city" high schools with metal detectors, gates and security guards. Horrors! Those people need discipline and morals, NOT metal detectors and guards! My, my, how the chickens have come home to roost and hatches hypocrisy!


You say as the Revolution works on transing kindergarteners.