Three New Deals: Why the Nazis and Fascists Loved FDR


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Critics of Roosevelt's New Deal often liken it to fascism. Roosevelt's numerous defenders dismiss this charge as reactionary propaganda; but as Wolfgang Schivelbusch makes clear, it is perfectly true. Moreover, it was recognized to be true during the 1930s, by the New Deal's supporters as well as its opponents.

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He isn't real there H2O. He just pulls the first story, from any specific site, that he sees and posts it if it isn't a repeat. That's all.
This one is in "Whatever Goes" for a reason. That Diggs site is an interesting one, it can have some odd stories from either side of the spectrum.
Hey don't just dismiss this. The article makes some interesting points.

It's based upon several logical fallacies... guilt by association, for instance. Even if Hitler may have liked FDR, it doesn't make FDR a fascist, nor does it necessariliy bring him any closer to fascism. Clearly, FDR wasn't a fascist. It brings up some dumb points from turbo-con men who can't quit crying about an election they lost a century ago.