APP - Three reasons the democrat party opposes the wall


It really isn't that complicated

1) Because it is Donald Trump proposing it and politically they do not want to give him any victory; let alone his signature promise. They believe rightfully so that if they get Trump to back down on the wall he is finished in 2020. His supporters won't care if Mexico doesn't pay for it. We just want it built.

2) They see illegal immigration as their path toward future electoral success. Why do you think the democrat party is always talking about "demographics being destiny"? Well, if you stem illegal immigration, it doesn't have to be. The democrat party sees the model of what they did in Commiefornistan and want to replicate it across the country. Illegal immigration has not only turned Commiefornistan from a reliably red state to a blue one, it has turned it into a wasteland of big gobblement, welfare dependence and corporate giveaways. Oh there are pockets of economic activity like Silicon Valley and Hollywood, but the remainder of the State is turning into Venezuela. More people are leaving than coming in, just like Illinois

3) This ties into #1 and #2. The wall will work. Just like walls everywhere have worked to keep out undesirables. Being that the wall will work, it will validate President Trump and slow the demographic tide

So there you have it. The top 3 reasons the democrat party opposes the wall. Don't listen to them when hey say it won't work. They are lying. Don't listen to them when they say it is immoral. It is not.

Use the democrat party's own language against them as I do "If the wall will prevent one death due to an illegal immigrant, it will be worth it". They have no comeback.