threedee approved helicopter

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1


Three, I'm the last person to be a Motard, but it's spelled oorah, not hoo-rah.

Each branch spells it differently, for some reason. We also pronounce it differently. Army just says "hoo-uh!" and spells it hua. Plus, if it doesn't have an "H" it isn't Air Force:

Cadence: Hup, two, three, four!
Left Face: Left, Hace!!
Right Face: Right, Hace!!
Reverse: To the rear, Harch!!
March: Forward, Harch!!
Stop: Everyone says "Halt!!" but we really mean it.

Hes, we're really hay like htat...
Each branch spells it differently, for some reason. We also pronounce it differently. Army just says "hoo-uh!" and spells it hua. Plus, if it doesn't have an "H" it isn't Air Force:

Cadence: Hup, two, three, four!
Left Face: Left, Hace!!
Right Face: Right, Hace!!
Reverse: To the rear, Harch!!
March: Forward, Harch!!
Stop: Everyone says "Halt!!" but we really mean it.

Hes, we're really hay like htat...
Each branch has it's own distinct battle cry. The Army's is Hoo-ah. The Marines is Oorah. The Navy's is Hoo-yah. And of course the Air Force's is "does this shirt make me look fat?" :D
Speaking of the Air Force, it just changed the name of my career field from Aerospace Control & Warning Systems Operator to Command & Control Battle Management...

Darn field has come a long way since the days when they used to train guys to write backwards on a fiberglass screen with a chalk of ash so that the officers on the other side could read it properly... A task so legendary among us that even I know about it!!
Each branch has it's own distinct battle cry. The Army's is Hoo-ah. The Marines is Oorah. The Navy's is Hoo-yah. And of course the Air Force's is "does this shirt make me look fat?" :D

The best thing about the air force is that their officers are the ones going into war zones first. Other than that....well.....
Each branch has it's own distinct battle cry. The Army's is Hoo-ah. The Marines is Oorah. The Navy's is Hoo-yah. And of course the Air Force's is "does this shirt make me look fat?" :D
You will like this Billy, one of my lawyer friends posted this on his facebook yesterday.

At the VA clinic, they asked me if I ever had any unwanted or nonconsensual sexual contact while in the military. I said, "No, I was in the Marines, not the Navy."
All I have to go off of is Jarhead, where they forcibly tatoo newbies at the squad Jake gets assigned to, thereby forcing everyone to be gay and wear a tatoo...
Never heard of that. I'm talking about naked pull-up contests in the community shower (I won by the way).
I officially re-enlisted today. Swore an oath to obey the commands of Obama and Gregoire. My contract's only for two more years, although I wanted more, but its based off of my situation a year ago when I could only get two. Next year I'll request more.

I also checked my military e-mail, and came accross the one reporting flags at half-staff for Byrdie. Its amazing how much spam I get!!!