ThrowBack Tuesday Jorge Ramos Vs Ann Couilter, & the winner is???


You decide.........

You need a good laugh? Watch it.

You got unanswered illegal immigration questions? Watch it.

Tough questions never asked about immigration? Watch it.

An Coulter, enjoy your Tuesday~
He has notes, she has nada. He gets slammed repeatedly because he has nothing but talking points and has no depth about what he's discussing. Like it or don't Coulter actually has depth on the subject and repeatedly slams the interviewer for it.

It was exceptional that such a discussion took place, and I commend the channel that made it happen and both participants for it. Thank you.
Well, I listened up until they took a break at the 13 minute mark.
Jorge seems to be a Spokesman for Hispanic Immigration while shrouding it in Overall Immigration and Past Immigration.
Ann is arguing about 'Culture' and an 'Underclass'.

I agree with Ann that 'we don't need no more Immigrants'.
1. We have enough stupid people to do the stupid work, we don't need to import MORE stupid people.
2. The US supports 'Family Planning', the Catholic Countries support 'Unlimited Breeding'. Let the Catholic Countries deal with THEIR DECISIONS.
3. Personally, I have no desire to live in a crowded, 'shoulder-to-shoulder' environment like India or China with over a BILLION people.

I'll post later when I've heard past the 13 minute mark.
Stopped at 26 minute mark.
Ann seems to be promoting an 'Anglo-Saxon Culture' while Jorge seems intent on promoting a 'Hispanic Culture' ... while denying it.
I like Ann asking him how much of the Mexican population does he want relocated to the US, and he wouldn't answer the question.

Ann, while originally refusing to answer what should be done with the 'Illegals' already here, now hints that the 'children' should be deported.

There was a brief mention of 'American Jobs'. Which is what I think is the MOST IMPORTANT aspect of the Immigration Question.
I saw the last 5 minutes.
Ann claims it's not about 'Race', but 'Culture' and 'Poverty'.

My view:
'Who gains by Cheap Labor?'
I'm sorry, but I only listened to Annie up to the point at which she said that Child Rape is the norm in Mexican Families!

There is no hope for Annie! She's always been a hater- and she will always be a hater!
I'm sorry, but I only listened to Annie up to the point at which she said that Child Rape is the norm in Mexican Families!

There is no hope for Annie! She's always been a hater- and she will always be a hater!

I believe she was referencing Muslim Immigration. She mentioned 'Honor Killings'.
I believe she was referencing Muslim Immigration. She mentioned 'Honor Killings'.

She rang out clear as a bell when she said it- And then she re-enforced it by saying that "Uncles raping nieces" referring to MEXICANS!

My GOD! Has she even been to West Virginia or Kentucky? MEXICANS MY ASS!
She rang out clear as a bell when she said it- And the she re-enforced it by saying that "Uncles raping nieces" referring to MEXICANS!

My GOD! Has she even been to West Virginia or Kentucky? MEXICANS MY ASS!

She was referencing Muslims, not Mexicans.
The best defense her opposition uses is 'That's racist', when actually she's trying to promote a 'Cultural' argument.
'English' is another talking point she brought up. She also brought up 'Anglo-Saxon' and 'Anglo-American' a few times.
She rang out clear as a bell when she said it- And then she re-enforced it by saying that "Uncles raping nieces" referring to MEXICANS!

My GOD! Has she even been to West Virginia or Kentucky? MEXICANS MY ASS!

Well, sexual assault by men on women in Mexico is prevalent enough that public transit in major cities is segregated by sex...

Groping and verbal harassment is an exasperating reality for women using public transportation in this sprawling capital, where 22 million passengers cram onto subways and buses each day. Some men treat women so badly that the subway system has long had ladies-only cars during rush hour, with police segregating the sexes on the platforms.

Mexico City’s subway is so unsafe for women, the metro system has designated train carriages that can only be used by women and children under the age of 12.

The separate subway cars are meant to prevent women from being harassed or assaulted in the often crowded, co-ed subway trains. The controversial measure only occurs during peak hours and is the subject of an Al Jeezera Plus video which was posted Monday.

So, that's one proof of her claim. Can you back yours?
She was referencing Muslims, not Mexicans.
The best defense her opposition uses is 'That's racist', when actually she's trying to promote a 'Cultural' argument.
'English' is another talking point she brought up. She also brought up 'Anglo-Saxon' and 'Anglo-American' a few times.

GO back and just watch the first 5 minutes- I WAS REFERRING TO WHAT SHE SAID IN THE FIRST 5 MINUTES- then I stopped listening.

I didn't even hear Muslims mentioned anywhere around the things I quoted her of saying!
GO back and just watch the first 5 minutes- I WAS REFERRING TO WHAT SHE SAID IN THE FIRST 5 MINUTES- then I stopped listening.

I didn't even hear Muslims mentioned anywhere around the things I quoted her of saying!

I went back and listened to the first 5 minutes.
Ann mentions 'shutting down the flow', a 'triple-fence', 'peasant culture', 'more people from Nigeria coming here than from Britain', and 'child rape and honor killing'. So, you can make what you want of it. Most people think of Muslims when it comes to 'child rape and honor killings'.
Does anyone believe America owes anyone a place to live or a job?
Does anyone believe a Foreigner should have equal dibs to a job as an American?
Does growing up in America and paying Taxes mean the American should have preference over the Foreigner?
Those op eds have nothing to do with Rape within the Mexican Family unit- DO YOU WANT TO, AT LEAST, STAY ON TOPIC?

It is no secret that victims of sexual assault in Mexico rarely report their abuse for fear of social and institutional backlash. Mistrust of the justice system is a predominant reality, especially among sectors of the population that would most need to have recourse to it. A look at the case of Daphne Fernández presents a clear explanation for this reality. As a 17-year-old, Daphne was forcibly dragged into a car by a group of four men, assaulted by two of them and later raped by one. The four perpetrators fit a very specific social demographic: ultra-wealthy, ultra-powerful and ultra-privileged.

It is almost endemic in Mexico.

At least you could have done a scintilla of research yourself before responding.