Tiana's Conservative Hypocrisy Log


JPP Modarater
Pay no attention to this thread people. My memory isn't the greatest and I'd like to start a thread logging the hypocrisies of conservatives. I won't have any real arguments here, just really a log of conservative positions on certain issues. So when they change their tune when it applies to a Dem, I'll have this quick reference guide.
Cons believing a misspoken quote despite being told otherwise:


Sorry, this doesn't qualify. Too many prominent Democrats joined Republicans in interpreting something inappropriate in the Senator's comments. Had all Democrats bought Kerry's lie that it was a "joke" then you might have an argument here, but no cigar, toots! The man said what he said, it was dispicable and disgraceful, and it insulted and offended our troops, as well as those of us who really do support them.

You can continue to apologize and tote the water for Kerry, I don't care. I hope Democrats will do that! I want as many of you on record as possible, because I think America is getting it loud and clear. Keep yapping!
(There is a reason no one has seen or heard from Nancy Pelosi in weeks!)
America is getting this loud and clear, eh? about as loud and clear as they got the message about Terri "the veg" Schiavo. This is a non event.... he apologized for dropping the "us" out of his remarks inadvertently...

but it did give a few democrats in tight races the chance to play to the moderates and independents in their states...so I think that worked out better than anyone would have expected.
oh...and you'll see plenty of Nancy Pelosi in the next two years..when she runs the House of Representatives and presides over the impeachment of Bush.
Actually it does. Believe me. Bush will misspeak in the future. When he does. Its on my list and I will rehash this.
Actually it does. Believe me. Bush will misspeak in the future. When he does. Its on my list and I will rehash this.
And it will be equally funny to watch people attempt to spin out of his remarks too. I have fun with it.

Now, if Bush says something like his "can't fool me again" thing it won't be the same though. We need him to say something like, "Cats should be used as pin-cusions..." and actually mean that "Cats should not be used as pin-cusions" for it to fit. I'll still laugh regardless. Especially if the "joke" doesn't work even if given as it was supposedly supposed to be given.