APP - Tickety Tockety

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

If I were James Comey, I would be very worried. He won't be able to tweet his way out of this.

I can see things going down like this. First the Steele Dossier gets totally debunked and blown out of the water. Once that happens, everything that happened predicated on the dossier is now null and void. Then President Trump is in a position to pardon everyone. Manafort. Michael Flynn. Roger Stone.

Everyone but


And that is how justice is served up
this might be pedantic on my part but I think I read that in manaforts case, it would be better for him to have his sentence commuted to time served. The reason why is if he is pardoned, manafort can be brought up on state charges, but if his sentence is commuted, his sentence stands and they can't retry him in state because of double jeopardy. of course, the main thrust of the thread is how comey hopefully will go down in flames, which I very much hope for, though... we'll see.
this might be pedantic on my part but I think I read that in manaforts case, it would be better for him to have his sentence commuted to time served. The reason why is if he is pardoned, manafort can be brought up on state charges, but if his sentence is commuted, his sentence stands and they can't retry him in state because of double jeopardy. of course, the main thrust of the thread is how comey hopefully will go down in flames, which I very much hope for, though... we'll see.

You are right about the commutation part. I am sure that Trump will do the right thing