Tie-in repeal of ObamaCare along with bump stops


Let's go Brandon!
Since both are bad ideas of The Obama and there is bipartisan support to ban bump stops, I say tie the two together in one bill.
why dont we do what the American people want done

fix ACA

and ban bump stocks

this is supposed to be about REPRESENTING Americans remember
why dont we do what the American people want done

fix ACA

and ban bump stocks

this is supposed to be about REPRESENTING Americans remember

You can't fix Obamacare. It was a failure from the start.

90% of those demanding bump stocks be banned had no clue what one was before Las Vegas. Now, because they hate guns, they think they're experts on the matter.
90% of those demanding bump stocks be banned had no clue what one was before Las Vegas. Now, because they hate guns, they think they're experts on the matter.

Who cares, they could be the best thing since sliced bread. They were approved by The Obama's ATF, and there is bipartisan support to get them banned. Roll it into to a ban on FedCo having anything to do with health care, since both are products of The Obama, and both have proven detrimental to health.
The ACA will never be repealed. How truly pathetic when a republican majority in Congress can't do shit.

Obamacare is just another freeloader program where those that won't do for themselves have to rely on the government to do things for their lazy asses. Not something I'd stand behind but you do if you want.
There are a lot of Republicans who lack balls. That's not news.

Sad part is when they knew Obama would veto what was passed they supposedly had the balls to vote for repeal. When they really need to be counted on, they fail.
Sad part is when they knew Obama would veto what was passed they supposedly had the balls to vote for repeal. When they really need to be counted on, they fail.

They lack balls. Been that way for decades now. The GOP sucks, Demorats just suck worse.