APP - Tiger cost shareholders big bucks




Too funny. Fools and their money. I hope people turn on Nike for dumping Tiger.
Sure seems racist to me. Charlie Sheen is a Heidi Fliess customer and he gets a Haynes underwear contract. Tiger bangs a few chicks and he's the worst person on earth? Bill Clinton can cheat while the president of the united states, but some guy who chips and putts must be pure as a saint?

Fricken BS!

Tiger, if you happen to read this, know that people like me will never support any advertiser that dumps you over this.
Nike didn't dump Tiger. In fact Phil Knight came out in support of Tiger and said this will be viewed as just a blip in his career.

I think the author is talking about the fall the stocks have taken of the companies that used Tiger as a spokesman.
Nike didn't dump Tiger. In fact Phil Knight came out in support of Tiger and said this will be viewed as just a blip in his career.

I think the author is talking about the fall the stocks have taken of the companies that used Tiger as a spokesman.
Gillette and Nike both use Tiger. I think Gillette simply said they'll wait until this passes before airing the ads again. I haven't seen a Nike Tiger ad since that fateful night either for that matter...
ever think that maybe they aren't using his ads anymore is because tiger himself said he is taking an "indefinite leave" from golf....
ever think that maybe they aren't using his ads anymore is because tiger himself said he is taking an "indefinite leave" from golf....
That's my guess. He'll be back, at least I believe he will, and the money will flow again. Just not quite as much. But heck, he's nearly a billionaire (at least until his wife gets her share in the divorce he is), I'm pretty sure before his career is over he will be, even with this...
ever think that maybe they aren't using his ads anymore is because tiger himself said he is taking an "indefinite leave" from golf....

I think it's more the scandal. Tiger missed part of last year with knee surgery and they were still running ads of his even though he wasn't playing.

I mean Kobe Bryant got accused of rape and a couple of years later they're running ads with him again.

Companies aren't stupid. To run a whole slew of ads while this is at the top of the news isn't really the wisest thing to do.

Tiger will back and so will his ads.
I think it's more the scandal. Tiger missed part of last year with knee surgery and they were still running ads of his even though he wasn't playing.

I mean Kobe Bryant got accused of rape and a couple of years later they're running ads with him again.

Companies aren't stupid. To run a whole slew of ads while this is at the top of the news isn't really the wisest thing to do.

Tiger will back and so will his ads.

good point, and you're right
That's my guess. He'll be back, at least I believe he will, and the money will flow again. Just not quite as much. But heck, he's nearly a billionaire (at least until his wife gets her share in the divorce he is), I'm pretty sure before his career is over he will be, even with this...

cawacko's right, it is the scandal

i heard she was trying to rewrite the prenupt....i am very interested in HOW she can and will do that....the whole point of a prenupt can't change it
Nike and the game co are not dropping him, he is the golden boy.
Best thing he can do is get a quick divorce. I mean who rich and famous hasn't had a bad marriage. Trying to carryout this obvious lie makes him look more a tool.
Also, who thinks this woman is not going to beat him over the head 5 million times with the other woman rant.
That's my guess. He'll be back, at least I believe he will, and the money will flow again. Just not quite as much. But heck, he's nearly a billionaire (at least until his wife gets her share in the divorce he is), I'm pretty sure before his career is over he will be, even with this...
Well he has residency in Florida and not California. My guess it will cost Tiger about what it cost Jeff Gordon. Around $100 million.
AT&T is still trying to figure out how to beat the new Verizon ads. Their 3G coverage stinks. No wonder they can get a phone that pings the network 6 times as much as any other phone and still have any capacity. Only 5 people and their cousin can use the 3G at a time.


Too funny. Fools and their money. I hope people turn on Nike for dumping Tiger.
Sure seems racist to me. Charlie Sheen is a Heidi Fliess customer and he gets a Haynes underwear contract. Tiger bangs a few chicks and he's the worst person on earth? Bill Clinton can cheat while the president of the united states, but some guy who chips and putts must be pure as a saint?

Fricken BS!

Tiger, if you happen to read this, know that people like me will never support any advertiser that dumps you over this.

Funny how blow jobs in the White House raised nary an eyebrow hair, and lying under oath was just a "whelp. that's not so bad", isn't it?

Tiger needs some lessons on "crowd control" from Bubbalicious!


Too funny. Fools and their money. I hope people turn on Nike for dumping Tiger.
Sure seems racist to me. Charlie Sheen is a Heidi Fliess customer and he gets a Haynes underwear contract. Tiger bangs a few chicks and he's the worst person on earth? Bill Clinton can cheat while the president of the united states, but some guy who chips and putts must be pure as a saint?

Fricken BS!

Tiger, if you happen to read this, know that people like me will never support any advertiser that dumps you over this.

I have a feeling Tiger might have what it takes to break away from a dead end progressive lifestyle (progressivism murdered Mike Jackson also) to hopefully save his family. Then I would love to see him play golf again.

Now I sponsor a few people who race with my engines, and they race a series. I help them with the expense of their racing, and I gain exposure if they do well (current world champs in Europe). But, as tiger is no longer playing golf by choice and not filling his contract obligations to play golf (due to Tigers personal actions) for exposure---I would drop his sponsorship also. I would think the sponsors might sue him for breach of contract--since he dropped out of the game for personal reasons. Tiger may be lucky if Nike only wants to tear up the contract, and in that case, Nike willo probably sponsor if again he comes back to pro golf after he straightens out his dead end progressive lifestyle--for good exposure. (that will be a heck of a life story IMO, if he can straighten out and be big again). Tiger broke the contract by quitting pro golf. If you think a sponsor should continue paying a athlete, when the athlete quit---your simply not a rational thinking person.

Jeech---back in my day, if we put our car in the ditch, we just called a friend with a tractor or a big truck to pull us ouit for a beer or two---before the cops got there. If they got there in time (we were fast)--we just gave them our beer--and the went away when we told them we were going home.

I guess you have no privacy--when you in the lime light. But like obama---it is amazing how the media made him look like a wholesome guy---and you believed it. I knew better---because I understand the hollywood progressive lifestyle--and they are never wholesome puritans.

Opinion aside--I know one thing for sure. I can drive better than Tiger. :)
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Funny how blow jobs in the White House raised nary an eyebrow hair, and lying under oath was just a "whelp. that's not so bad", isn't it?

Tiger needs some lessons on "crowd control" from Bubbalicious!

Yea---kinda shows progressive priorities and a lack of core values IMO.

Now, when you say "Bubbalicious", I figure you might be a ex motocross racer, talking about James "Bubba" Stewart---who is a black man who redefined how to ride a motorcycle. No media hype for this fastest racer in the world, but he does not need HGH for racing---or his progressive sex life (that he is smart enough to stay away from). Damn good kid out of one of the last sports that produce true role models.

James Stewart and Ricky Carmichael (retired now--who makes Tigers win record look like a amature in their sport--how about over a 80% win average over 10.5 years of racing 21 different race series with a average of 20 races per series--no athlete will ever break RC's win recored, in any sport.) are two excellent role models and winners---that America never hears of.
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That's my guess. He'll be back, at least I believe he will, and the money will flow again. Just not quite as much. But heck, he's nearly a billionaire (at least until his wife gets her share in the divorce he is), I'm pretty sure before his career is over he will be, even with this...
Actually, the existing prenup between Tiger and Elin leaves her with only 20 million IF she holds out for 10 years. Until she moved out they were renegotiating a new deal which would have added 50 mil to that, reduced the time to 7 years, and gives her a 5 to 7 mil up front "signing bonus". Tiger is stupid if he does that. As it stands now, she gets zip, zero zilcho. Only child support.


Too funny. Fools and their money. I hope people turn on Nike for dumping Tiger.
Sure seems racist to me. Charlie Sheen is a Heidi Fliess customer and he gets a Haynes underwear contract. Tiger bangs a few chicks and he's the worst person on earth? Bill Clinton can cheat while the president of the united states, but some guy who chips and putts must be pure as a saint?

Fricken BS!

Tiger, if you happen to read this, know that people like me will never support any advertiser that dumps you over this.

A true man's man!!!

I see there's more to you than that shiny hat!
I'll always wonder did Woods let his father and/or mother push him into "settling down"? I mean, what a dope....brings kids into this world and now makes a public spectacle of himself. Why can't these celeb guys just stay single until they tire of the groupies and celeb sex fans? Frankly, I could care less about him just like any other schmoe who gets caught cheating. Of course sponsors are going to pull out....and golf is going to suffer the bucks$$.
I'll always wonder did Woods let his father and/or mother push him into "settling down"? I mean, what a dope....brings kids into this world and now makes a public spectacle of himself. Why can't these celeb guys just stay single until they tire of the groupies and celeb sex fans? Frankly, I could care less about him just like any other schmoe who gets caught cheating. Of course sponsors are going to pull out....and golf is going to suffer the bucks$$.

Almost like wanting to have your cake and eat it too. He wanted the kids and the family but he didn't want to give up his playboy lifestyle.