Tillman Case


JPP Modarater
I think I'm starting to feel a little guilty at my indifference to this story. Yes. The admin supports lying and has supported such over the last but I think I've grown immune to things I should normally be outraged about. I mean, its pretty hard to top usurping civil liberties, supporting legislators pretending to be doctors, lying to get us into a war, and driving up spending to unheard of levels.
Why is the tillman case being brought up AGAIN? The cover-up was already covered over and over again by the media. Why is this a top story again?
Tillman relatives and Lynch just testified in front of congress I believe. not under the rug yet. Also other military personnel are still coming out of the woodwork saying they were to keep quiet, destroy evidence, etc.
US... but what does it matter? We already KNOW they covered it up. Having another ten people come out and say "they covered it up" doesn't change that.
They want to know who covered it up and why. Those are still outstanding questions.

Also, they still don't exactly know what happened when Pat was killed. Why were his clothes, and his notebook burned? Why did the medical reports claim they performed CPR on him 90 minutes after he was dead. His head was basically blown off. Why did somebody claim they were doing CPR at a field hospital? Who performs CPR on a headless body? Where these deliberate lies, to cover up something that happened in the field? Was there criminal intent involved?
US... but what does it matter? We already KNOW they covered it up. Having another ten people come out and say "they covered it up" doesn't change that.

yeah sure lets cover it up before ALL the truth is out because it might be inconvenient to some.
Cypress you bring up excellent points that I cannot refute. But I think this is more of a testimony to my political exhaustion than anything. A person can only take so much.
Cypress you bring up excellent points that I cannot refute. But I think this is more of a testimony to my political exhaustion than anything. A person can only take so much.

are some of the politicians counting on this exhaustion/burn out factor ?
I don't blame you for sensory overload Tiana - the amount of lies is overwhelming. I don't even think they care anymore if people know they're lying - as long as they're throwing out red meat to the 30% of people that still support them. The koolaid drinking base that wants desparately to believe in his lies. Because if bush can't hold onto his 30% base, he's toast.

I think the Tillman family think its possible that Pat was murdered. Or that, at least, he was a victim of negligent homicide.
What was done after the Tillman incident is against military policy and should not be swept under the rug so as to enable it's happening again.

Butt kickings and punishments need to be handed out. It is the military way. Or at least used to be....