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What more can America take and what more can the civilized part of global humanity tolerate at having a mere mortal and a corrupt demagogue tRump to have a free pass to engage in crimes against a nation, squandering taxpayer money for his and his criminal family's pleasure and other high crimes without accountability? Eventually after Hitler had his demonic free pass to go on a criminal against humanity rampage, he too had to suffer the fate of extreme accountability, and along with his cronies, enablers and others who are still being sought after to endure punishment. As such, I give true democrats in Congress great credit at going it alone against this illegitimate president and global menace tRump against antigovernment conspiring GOPer obstruction and their own crimes against the State at continuing to harbor this criminal impersonating a POTUS. Hopefully in due time, the voter in particular will have had enough of this destructive encroachment on their well being and the well being of future generations to finally give credit where it is. That credit due would be and based on goodwill efforts and deeds to democrats and to give GOPers their due at purging them of any type of majority at not continuing to reward their failure with success. It has been proven that efforts against hacking and rigging allowed the will of the majority to succeed at handing the House majority to democracy aka democrats, and I hope the same applies in 2020 when it comes to rightfully giving this failed GOPer regime and threat on humanity the Senate boot as a deplorable majority. The only way to make America great again is to get rid of the problem, which is also a global crisis as in the tRump and GOPer problem.
Nancy Pelosi is winning the impeachment fight
source: cnn .com
Nancy Pelosi is winning the impeachment fight
source: cnn .com