Time for the HOA meeting...

Home Owners Association ?
I sure don't miss those...
None of that socialist stuff here in the sticks where I live and I love it :)
I'm in the sticks too. We still have this. I wish I had never gotten on the fricking board. What a waste of time! My wife wanted me to do it for face time with the locals she thought it would help with running for Commissioner....
I just cant imagine that ,nieghbors are always such strange people anyway.

I try to aviod them even though it never works that way, they always come around at some point in the time you live somewhere.

I keep my place neat and clean and drive slow and make sure my sons respectable.

Hell I clean the trash up on my street and pull the weeds in the common areas.
And NEVER ask anyone for ANYTHING, I would hate a home owner association.

There are tons of them around here and I chose a small housing complex WITHOUT one.
We really don't have any HOA's up here, that I know about...I asked my realtor if they were common and she said no, they were not.
here in the ghettos of clinton iowa we dont have them. what we do have is bombs, guns, little wigger wannabes, and assholes. no shortage of assholes here.
but my yard is always well kept. we dont need some association running around making sure your house is looking good. at least not in this area. pretty much a waste of time imo.
Damo, HOA's are one of the first signs of the death of a rural area. People start complaining about the cow poop stinking, etc...
Damo, HOA's are one of the first signs of the death of a rural area. People start complaining about the cow poop stinking, etc...
It's been around for some time to enforce "horse trails" that the idiots around my area agreed to. That's all they pretty much do is talk about "horse trails" constantly and unceasingly... Really, really pointless and tedious.
You pretty much can't move anywhere in Colorado without running into an HOA, the goal is to find the most worthless one and move there.
I find HOA rules as annoying as the next guy -- and I enjoy flouting them when I feel strongly enough, just to see if they will actually try to enforce them. Still, it's hard to deny that an HOA is among the most truly democratic of all institutions.

My own Association is a good case in point. Participation is fairly high, though far from universal. We have knockdown, drag out fights about damned near everything. The one about what colors to paint the outsides of our buildings went on for months. We're currently embroiled in another about how bright to make the outdoor lighting at night. It's small enough, though, that you can sit down with some of your neighbors and hash out an agreement when things get deadlocked.

Generally, it's not bad, all things considered.
Ornot, are the HOA decisions enforceable by law ?
Or do they sue non compliant parties ?
If so I think they suck.
IN FL It took me 3 month to get them to decide if I could paint my home and what color I had to use....
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Ornot, are the HOA decisions enforceable by law ?
Or do they sue non compliant parties ?
If so I think they suck.
IN FL It took me 3 month to get them to decide if I could paint my home and what color I had to use....
In this state, they don't have a good track record in court. Traditionally, I believe the courts tend to side with the homeowner rather than the HOA . . . on those rare occasions when it gets to court. It almost never goes to court, however.

Most HOAs have private, agreed upon enforcement provisions. In my case, they can fine you and, if too many complaints pile up, theoretically force you to sell. So far as I know, no one's ever pressed it that far.
I find HOA rules as annoying as the next guy -- and I enjoy flouting them when I feel strongly enough, just to see if they will actually try to enforce them. Still, it's hard to deny that an HOA is among the most truly democratic of all institutions.

My own Association is a good case in point. Participation is fairly high, though far from universal. We have knockdown, drag out fights about damned near everything. The one about what colors to paint the outsides of our buildings went on for months. We're currently embroiled in another about how bright to make the outdoor lighting at night. It's small enough, though, that you can sit down with some of your neighbors and hash out an agreement when things get deadlocked.

Generally, it's not bad, all things considered.

your shitting right? bitching about how bright to make the lights and what color to paint? i think im going to stay in the ghetto where the only thing we bitch about is when the city is going to replace the lights that got shot out.
yes imho deed restrictions and HOA's suck. The those folks insisted that I paint my house pepto bismol pink (in tampa, FL of course). I did not cause I was selling the house anyway :) I claimed homophobia against the pink color :) And was adamant, they finally gave in and afterwards said how nice the colors looked........
your shitting right? bitching about how bright to make the lights and what color to paint? i think im going to stay in the ghetto where the only thing we bitch about is when the city is going to replace the lights that got shot out.
Hey, no ever said politics was pretty. Nor even particularly rational. All I'm saying is that an HOA is, in effect, democracy in its purest form.
Hey, no ever said politics was pretty. Nor even particularly rational. All I'm saying is that an HOA is, in effect, democracy in its purest form.
Ours is run by the people on the board and pretty much nobody else. In the past 5 years I have yet to see a Quorum at the Annual meeting.
Ours is run by the people on the board and pretty much nobody else. In the past 5 years I have yet to see a Quorum at the Annual meeting.
And this differs from American democracy how, exactly? ;)

Seriously, that's one of the problems with democratic government in general. No one wants to participate. Why? Because the issues are boring and the decisions are often difficult. That doesn't change the fact that the HOA is a very democratic institution.

My own HOA does a bit better, but perhaps that's because we're very small: only 113 units. Also, I suppose the fact that I live in an outpost of Berkeley doesn't hurt either.
I would not live in a HOA area. If I buy property I will do with it as I please and as long as it hurts no one and is kept up no one has a right to tell me what I can or can't do.

We rent a place in the country and the landlord allows us to do anything we want with the place. Its his property so he has a right to say what goes on. But no one should have the right to tell him what should be done with it.

Buy a house and let people tell you what youcna do with it? I don't think so.