Time says this thread puts Ron Paul over the top!!!


New member
Yay! President Ron Paul!!!


The Web does reveal how involved U.S. Internet users are with a candidate's Web 2.0 presence, and again Ron Paul comes out on top. If we look at the traffic flowing from websites like MySpace, Facebook and YouTube, the candidate with the most visits from those sites is Ron Paul, followed by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. But if Ron Paul tops all of the Web metrics for popularity, like searches and traffic from social networks, then how can he be so far down in the Gallup Poll?

The answer may be in the difference between the people who answer a pollster's phone call and the people who don't. Younger adults are abandoning their landline phones for cell phones, so including this demographic in phone-based polls seems unlikely. And visitors to Ron Paul's official website ronpaul2008.com are likely to be male (74%) and between 25 and 34 years old (25%). On the other hand, a significant portion of visitors to the websites of both the Republican and Democratic frontrunners are 55 or older. Of those two demographics, which is most likely to participate in a phone poll on their favorite candidate?
Thats exactly what they said about the Kerry campaign - young people had cell phones and they were underrepresented in the polling.

Of course, he still lost. And not half as big as Ron Paul is going to lose.
Yepper and look how well Dean did...

Paul fans just need to go paint Ron Paul on more roofs and barns.
Paint over the "Chew Mailpouch tobacco" with "Vote Ron Paul".
Well, my $3 will make the difference for R. Paul. He is so perfect, it will be all he needs!

Woot! President Paul!