Time Spent at FullPolitics v. JustPlain

Time Spent at Fullpolitics v. JustPlain

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I have to post announcements about the FFootball league on both sites. So, Occassionally I return...

Title: Time Spent at FullPolitics v. JustPlain

Can you do some elite super admin edit damo? If you can, do that.
I went over there and read around. Looks like a lot of fighting over there about how the board is run...I guess that is what it's about.
probably another DU in the making?

No. fullpolitics has conservatives on it too. DU has got to be the most ridiculous place on the internet. I mean,they only want to hear their side and never the other. Your not even allowed on if your not a Democrat. Those people over there are truly loony toons

I actually read a post over there one time about some guy who was driving around after Katrina hit...can't remember which state he was in. Anyway,he saw a woman and child stuck on the side of the road in the midst of all the aftermath. He was going to stop and help,but then got closer and noticed the Bush/Cheney sticker on their car and left them stranded. Can you believe that?!! Leaving a fellow human being in trouble,with a child at that,because they don't suit you political perference. :whip:
No. fullpolitics has conservatives on it too. DU has got to be the most ridiculous place on the internet. I mean,they only want to hear their side and never the other. Your not even allowed on if your not a Democrat. Those people over there are truly loony toons

I actually read a post over there one time about some guy who was driving around after Katrina hit...can't remember which state he was in. Anyway,he saw a woman and child stuck on the side of the road in the midst of all the aftermath. He was going to stop and help,but then got closer and noticed the Bush/Cheney sticker on their car and left them stranded. Can you believe that?!! Leaving a fellow human being in trouble,with a child at that,because they don't suit you political perference. :whip:

whatcha kidding me? some of the people here don't wanna give you the air you breathe if you dont see it their way. it's the nature of the beast.....:cof1:
whatcha kidding me? some of the people here don't wanna give you the air you breathe if you dont see it their way. it's the nature of the beast.....:cof1:

Yes. I did notice that. I also noticed that for some reason,a lot of them think conservatives have a very uptight and/or no sex life. I couldn't believe that they actually go after someone's sex life. I mean do they really think this stuff? Outrageous! Who actually cares about that kind of thing? It seems rather childish!
Don't remember the thread,but it's in here somewhere
Yes. I did notice that. I also noticed that for some reason,a lot of them think conservatives have a very uptight and/or no sex life. I couldn't believe that they actually go after someone's sex life. I mean do they really think this stuff? Outrageous! Who actually cares about that kind of thing? It seems rather childish!
Don't remember the thread,but it's in here somewhere

LOL, the mudflap claims conservative women just plain can't keep a man happy!
Some of the stuff you read is definitely funny but it makes it worth reading, but do they really buy into it is something I could'nt answer. Indeed good stuff though.:cof1: