APP - Time to get tough


The kooks are winning the war in propaganda, time to step up and move forward. I have often wondered why the voices of a Bill Moyer are only on PBS? How is it that filter which controls information censors voices that speak out for all Americans? Media today is so corporate controlled and so full of nutcases it is hard to listen. Only Cspan and PBS occasionally contains some morsel of reality.

[ame=""]YouTube - BILL MOYERS JOURNAL | Bill Moyers on Health Care | PBS[/ame]

The pieces he mentions are here:
Curious how helping Americans live free and healthy lives is extremist. Conservatives go back to your caves, you'll find comfort there.

live free and healthy lives according to what you people believe it should be..I don't think so..I'll take my cave..thank you
Us taxpayers should demand none of our monies go to PBS and people like Moyers...let Moyers go out and scrounge up money so he spew his crap...

he is a blood sucking leech on the taxpayers.
The time for PBS, like Affirmative Action, is long past.

'Yes, we love fascism, yes we do.' Sorry folks, hate speech from the likes of Savage, Rush, Coulter, and Beck requires some sense. PBS is at least honest. Let face it there are too many wingnuts like meme and southern boy now, more dumb citizens would be tragic.
'Yes, we love fascism, yes we do.' Sorry folks, hate speech from the likes of Savage, Rush, Coulter, and Beck requires some sense. PBS is at least honest. Let face it there are too many wingnuts like meme and southern boy now, more dumb citizens would be tragic.

Obama is also a fascist.
'Yes, we love fascism, yes we do.' Sorry folks, hate speech from the likes of Savage, Rush, Coulter, and Beck requires some sense. PBS is at least honest. Let face it there are too many wingnuts like meme and southern boy now, more dumb citizens would be tragic.
In the age of 100+ TV channels, satellite radio, and the internet, why should any broadcasting be subsidized by the government?