APP - Time to rename Yale University


Former Vice President
How many people actually know that Yale University is named for a slave trader? Yes, it is true. One of the most revered institutions in this country's history is named after an individual who made money bringing slaves to this country for bondage.

How can it stand that Yale University would continue to associate itself with this evil man? Where is the charge from the left to remove this vile name so that people are no longer triggered and offended?
We must do all we can to erase this vestige of our most horrible time in history.
How many people actually know that Yale University is named for a slave trader? Yes, it is true. One of the most revered institutions in this country's history is named after an individual who made money bringing slaves to this country for bondage.

How can it stand that Yale University would continue to associate itself with this evil man? Where is the charge from the left to remove this vile name so that people are no longer triggered and offended?
We must do all we can to erase this vestige of our most horrible time in history.

It shouldn't just be renamed; but torn down

Elihu Yale (5 April 1649 – 8 July 1721) was a British merchant, philanthropist and slave trader, President of the East India Company settlement in Fort St. George, at Madras, and a benefactor of the Collegiate School in the Colony of Connecticut, which in 1718 was renamed Yale College in his honor.

In 1718, Cotton Mather contacted Yale and asked for his help. Mather represented a small institution of learning that had been founded in 1701 in New Haven, Connecticut, as the Collegiate School of Connecticut, which needed money for a new building. Yale sent Mather 417 books, a portrait of King George I, and nine bales of goods. These last were sold by the school for £800 pound sterling, a substantial sum in the early 18th century. In gratitude, officials named the new building Yale; eventually the entire institution became Yale College
The technique being used to defend Trump's rhetorical disaster about the statue of Lee's statue is a dishonest deflection of the reason for taking it down. The issue is not slavery, disgraceful as that is, but insurrection. The statues etc. being removed honor the Confederate States of America, an organization guilty of treason by insurrection, not the ownership of slaves. So it really is beside the point that Washington et al. were slave-owners, it is rebellion, not slavery that has brought Lee and other Confederate leaders into historical bad odor. Lincoln himself famously said at one point that if keeping slavery would preserve the Union, he would allow it.

It is hard to tell how many right wing posters fail to grasp the difference between slavery and the rebellion. The switch in topic is a good example of fake news.
The technique being used to defend Trump's rhetorical disaster about the statue of Lee's statue is a dishonest deflection of the reason for taking it down. The issue is not slavery, disgraceful as that is, but insurrection. The statues etc. being removed honor the Confederate States of America, an organization guilty of treason by insurrection, not the ownership of slaves. So it really is beside the point that Washington et al. were slave-owners, it is rebellion, not slavery that has brought Lee and other Confederate leaders into historical bad odor. Lincoln himself famously said at one point that if keeping slavery would preserve the Union, he would allow it.

It is hard to tell how many right wing posters fail to grasp the difference between slavery and the rebellion. The switch in topic is a good example of fake news.

Were the Native Americans also guilty of insurrection?
The technique being used to defend Trump's rhetorical disaster about the statue of Lee's statue is a dishonest deflection of the reason for taking it down. The issue is not slavery, disgraceful as that is, but insurrection. The statues etc. being removed honor the Confederate States of America, an organization guilty of treason by insurrection, not the ownership of slaves. So it really is beside the point that Washington et al. were slave-owners, it is rebellion, not slavery that has brought Lee and other Confederate leaders into historical bad odor. Lincoln himself famously said at one point that if keeping slavery would preserve the Union, he would allow it.

It is hard to tell how many right wing posters fail to grasp the difference between slavery and the rebellion. The switch in topic is a good example of fake news.

You all need to get on the same page. Everyone has a different take.

This is a new issue for you guys and has been thrust upon you. Your desire to virtue signal that you too aren't a racist has caused you to jump on a bandwagon without fully thinking this through. As logic prevails you keep moving the goalposts.
Were the Native Americans also guilty of insurrection?
Native Americans were recognized by both sides as sovereign nations. Their resistance to the unprovoked invasion by Europeans was not an insurrection.