Time To Vote National Socialist.


Why? Because voting republican doesn't get us anywhere. (and voting democrat sure as hell doesn't) Take the lying worm Trump. His idea to create jobs comes straight from the discredited playbook of Reagan. Which is to give the wealthy more money. He wants to do it by, from what I hear, giving the wealthy the greatest tax break in history. (It must kill him that the BS term "trickle down" has already been used) But giving the wealthy the ability to live an even more lavish lifestyle is a pretty piss poor way to create jobs. Maybe it will help in places like Las Vegas. Because the wealthy will be able to do things like use $1000.00 dollar chips instead of $100.00 dollar chips.

Also, look up any year in the past 40 years. For whatever year you choose, look and see how many companies for that year paid no taxes at all. Another thing is that back in the 60's, company executives used to make 20 times what the average worker made. Today, it is nearly 300 times more! At one point, it got up closer to 400 times more. Just how wealthy do the rich have to be! Obviously, bribing companies to create jobs isn't going to work.

One thing the lying worm Trump could do is make it so Americans start making the things we use. But tell me. Since the lying worm Trump became president, do you think there has been one less container ship full of goods made in China coming here? I think it's time to do what is right. Vote National Socialist!