Time Warp TV


Villified User
Hmm was checking on PPV movies on DirectTV came accross one on channel 130. Failure to launch. made on January 19, 2038 ???

Wow, think I will watch it, I have wondered what kind of movies they will make in the future.

Must be some kind of nutrino flux event happening in the stratosphere.
Or perhaps it is just that Microsoft made the OS for the tuner box :)
Nah, Dish passed them up, then they get more HD channels, then they again swap... It's just easier sticking with the one with the best technology....
Actually I have had good service from DTV for 10 yrs or so. I just got pissed once when my nice RF Sony remote controlled box's card would not longer worked and could not be upgraded.....it was light years ahead of these slowassed RCA boxes they gave me.
I love the current service I get from Dish... tons of HD with the DVR... I can watch one program and tape two at a time while watching that program, about 70 hours worth if it is HD, about 200 hours worth if it is normal TV... Great picture... I'll stick with it for a longer time.
Have not gone HDTV yet.
I have most of the satelite radio channels and HDTV I think if I want it.
I get the boneyard :cool:
I just converted over to Directv from cable ... Im having a good time with it ... nice HiDef receiver .. the only thing that bugs me is the Remote control response is a little slower than the standard I have in my bedroom .. but I can live with it. Great Sports package!