Times Person of the Year Predictions


on indefiniate mod break
it's that time of year again. who do you think it will be?

My guesses:

  • Trump (obv choice)
  • Mueller (also possible, not sure tho)
  • Women (times does this sometimes and gives it to a group, totally conceivable they do something stupid like "the year of the women" or something completely retarded)

I can't really think of other people that have hugely impacted the news. If you want to correctly predict, it needs to be someone that's been in the news a lot and someone the times will want to circlejerk over (either negatively or positively)
The lethargic tortoise? Why? He doesn't do much, besides squat in place, in congress, and receive a bigger paycheck, and extras then all of us here combined.

it's not about who you like jade it's about who's had a ton of influence and has been in the media. he rammed kavanaugh through in spite of unprecedented opposition, held down the fort and delivered a solid victory. he's def a contender
it's that time of year again. who do you think it will be?

My guesses:

  • Trump (obv choice)
  • Mueller (also possible, not sure tho)
  • Women (times does this sometimes and gives it to a group, totally conceivable they do something stupid like "the year of the women" or something completely retarded)

I can't really think of other people that have hugely impacted the news. If you want to correctly predict, it needs to be someone that's been in the news a lot and someone the times will want to circlejerk over (either negatively or positively)
Time has become irrelevant to me. I can detect fake news and Time is it.
I didn't renew my subscription to Time for the office waiting room, made a new one for The Economist.