Times Retracts Lies and Smears

Anything on here. It has virtually all been discussed and said/typed before.

We heard Kathi's lies before. We have not heard the truth, that Paul never attended the dinners, has never with knowledge met White and that when one of his aides met White he expressed disgust at his views.

You are the reason these lies work. You jump on the lies and then when the truth comes out you fail to understand them as anything but a rehashing of the lies.

Go take some of those meds you got from Wilford Brimley.
I saw this allegation on "Little Green Footballs", a righwing blog, and I thought the whole restaurant allegation sounded like bullshit after reading it.

It was totally unsubstantiated, and as I recall it was sourced to one person. So, it wasn't even corroborated.

Plus, I don't think ron paul would be stupid enough to meet known racists at a public restaurant in DC. The whole thing sounded made up to me.

But, consider the source: a rightwing blog.
Funny to see the factions of the right get mad about the tactics of the right.

When was the last time you complained about the lies they said about Gore , Kerry, Cleeland and the rest of the dems they have smeared over the years?
Now don't expect Kath, or the rest of the dishonest liars, to admit her error or even stop repeating the lie.


Gee RS, if I'm a bit 'obsessed' with RP's 'supporters', it's mostly because I'm dismayed at the convergence from the Right and Left towards a candidate. I'm not afraid of RP winning, more for the future. Why would one find someone like Don Black, with his hateful message, donating money; at the same time so many progressives as found here, claim to be backing the same person?

What is more worrisome to ponder, why are you so upset at what I post? Take a look at the editorial response from the link you posted from the NY Times:

The Ron Paul Vid-Lash

By Virginia Heffernan

Editors’ Note: The post below, which appeared on The Medium on Monday, contained several errors. Stormfront, which describes itself as a “white nationalist” Internet community, did not give money to Ron Paul’s presidential campaign; according to Jesse Benton, a spokesman for Paul’s campaign, it was Don Black, the founder of Stormfront, who donated $500 to Paul. That the Times got it wrong, does not change the fact that a person like Black supports RP. It also doesn't change the fact that Stormfron or VNN have donation click buttons on their sites. The fact that $500 was given by Black, not Stormfront does not preclude that many members of Stormfront and other such sites have visitors that are sure that RP is their guy or that what he esposes as his beliefs coincide with their hopes for the future.

Yet somehow this doesn't bother more than a few visitors to more progressive sites like JPP. That most here, certainly those that think RP is their candidate, do not express any concern that they are backing the same guy that folks that visit Stormfront find so appealing, is truly perplexing. I don't consider most of what I read by you guys 'way left', not at all. So how do 'moderate liberals' find themselves with the likes of supporters from the extreme right, cause that's where Stormfront and VNN are?
The post also repeated a string of assertions by Bill White, the commander of the American National Socialist Workers Party, including the allegation that Paul meets regularly “with members of the Stormfront set, American Renaissance, the Institute for Historic Review and others” at a restaurant in Arlington, Va. Paul never attended these dinners, according to Benton, who also says that Paul has never knowingly met Bill White. I haven't a clue to Bill White, other than what he posted at VNN. That a far leftist, now claims to be a Nazi is weird to say the least. Is he trying to take down Ron Paul? It could be. I noted when I read VNN that he had over 1k posts. He was there for awhile to say the least. Norman Singleton, a congressional aide in Paul’s office, says that he met Bill White at a dinner gathering of conservatives several years ago, after which Singleton expressed his indignation at the views espoused by White to the organizer of the dinner. The post should not have been published with these unverified assertions and without any response from Paul.
It was Mr. Singleton, not Dr. Paul that expresseed indignation at the views espoused by White. That in itself would have me wondering.

If you had been reading all of my posts, rather than overreacting to what you saw as a 'smear' of Dr. Paul, you would have noticed that I began to look into his background, when I considered his libertarian leanings. I did not remember his Libertarian run of 20 years ago. When I first started looking, I had no problem finding those newsletters of his, which have now gone down the memory hole.

Anyways, Dano has a very nice policy of letting us all post what we like. :clink: I'll probably continue to annoy over Paul, perhaps moreso if I can find a candidate I support.
Kathi, once again, what Don Black gives is not a reflection that Paul agrees with his ideals. In fact Paul called those ideals evil.

That pissed off your source White and he started posting lies that you parroted and you continue with you dishonesty in this post. Paul never knowingly met White. How would he express indignation over someone he has never spoken too? And again, he has expressed indignation at the ideas of racism.

You are engaging in nothing but dishonest smear tactics and parroting the attacks of racist like White. Maybe, you are a racist like White, pissed off about Paul calling your ideals evil.