Tinfoil banned??!!

He's been trying to get banned since he got back from.....being banned. He was all butthurt over it. I suspect the mods granted his wish.

He actually called Damo a "pedo", so he may get his wish and be permabanned.

The sad part is, is that I kind of liked about half of his comments.

Frankly, I was surprised the mods didn't just ban Stirfry on Day 1. It's too bad, because I liked him back on FP. He even showed me some BBcode that got me banned by SR for a day.
I’ll stay in touch with him. Hopefully he’ll calm down and apologize. I’d like to see him back. Normally he’s one of the few conservatives you can have an intelligent conversation with sans ad Homs.
I’ll stay in touch with him. Hopefully he’ll calm down and apologize. I’d like to see him back. Normally he’s one of the few conservatives you can have an intelligent conversation with sans ad Homs.
Yes...when he wants to.

And...he knows that trump is a moron, so that helps
Well I spoke with him and I understand where he’s coming from. I don’t think he has a real axe to grind with Damo. He just was using his ban as an excuse to force Damos hand to permaban him cause he’s trying to break the message board addiction.

However he did say something far worse about Grind than what he said to Damo.

He said “Grind smokes ditch weed.”.
The mods here are pretty lenient. What they really desire from rule breakers is a sign that they can control their behavior. I would say that Stir has broken the letter of the law to an extent worthy of a major suspension, if not an outright ban. But, he's known to be a fairly rational guy, unlikely to create untenable problems for Damo.

So, he gets the 30 day extravaganza. Hopefully he comes back his twisted old self, and not the cranky fool we have been seeing.
Fun fact about about Stirfry. He was behind my favorite FP and JPP moments.

FP: SR shut the site down on New Years Eve 2005, with corrections (cough, Daesh, cough, Dixie) intended to fix some problems he had been dealing with. With the clock ticking down, Stir pops-up with a troll account named Ib1yyysguyy (parody of ib1yysguy) and announces: "since the site is about to be shut down, I just wanted to get something off my chest. I'm gay." I don't know why, but I fell out of my chair laughing. He timed that joke perfectly.

JPP: Not really his fault, but, he posted a thread that got waaaay out of control.