Tipster ends fugitive's respectable double life

I think it’s awful. She was 19, and they took her life away. 20 to 25 years for a teenager on a drug charge? Give me a break, the state has no right to steal someone’s life like that. Seriously, it’s a total outrage.
I think it’s awful. She was 19, and they took her life away. 20 to 25 years for a teenager on a drug charge? Give me a break, the state has no right to steal someone’s life like that. Seriously, it’s a total outrage.

Yeah. Looking back, she definitely made the the right decision. Getting your youth/life taken away at age for something like that just sucks. She was able to have a family and a husband for two decades. Totally worth the 30 year delay. If I was facing jail at that age, I think I'd take a chance. She could be up to nearly 40 y/o when she left prison.

as the old saying goes...'If you can't take the time -don't do the crime'..she would have been out of prison after serving probably 3 years...she was in for Heroin not MJ...I do not feel sorry for her...however I do for her husband and kids..she was living a lie!
Really sad story.

She was a stupid teenager who did some stupid stuff.

I hope her kids can deal with the shit coming to them over this.

Book deals for everyone.
Personally, given that she appears to have led a crime free life since that point in time, I hope they take it easy on her. Maybe in home arrest in CA with her family. Community service etc...

Seems pretty harsh given her age at the time of arrest to put her in jail.

Time to end this stupid drug war and clean out the prison population. Make drugs legal.... tax the crap out of them like we do alcohol. Make the penalty for driving or harming someone while under the influence harsh, but not the mere possession.
Really sad story.

She was a stupid teenager who did some stupid stuff.

I hope her kids can deal with the shit coming to them over this.

Book deals for everyone.

This has to be like a kick in the nuts to the family... but from the article the husband is responding pretty cool... stand by the woman that she became rather than the child she was.
Personally, given that she appears to have led a crime free life since that point in time, I hope they take it easy on her. Maybe in home arrest in CA with her family. Community service etc...

Seems pretty harsh given her age at the time of arrest to put her in jail.

Time to end this stupid drug war and clean out the prison population. Make drugs legal.... tax the crap out of them like we do alcohol. Make the penalty for driving or harming someone while under the influence harsh, but not the mere possession.

Totally agreed.

The war on drugs is a total bust, just like prohibition was over 80 years ago. No special consideration should be given to illegal acts committed while under the influence of recreational drugs (including alcohol, as at present), but the criminalization of drugs has had only negative effects on both those involved and society as a whole.

I, too, hope that all consideration should be given this woman.
We all make decisions all the time, some can just haunt us for the rest of our lives.

Take my first wife for instance.....
Personally, given that she appears to have led a crime free life since that point in time, I hope they take it easy on her. Maybe in home arrest in CA with her family. Community service etc...

Though I agree in spirit, they could never do this, otherwise every prisoner would be sent the message that if they escape and be good for 30 years, they'll be off the hook.

That said, this is so super bullshit of the state. I think it's so badass that a 19 year old girl escaped from prison, gave a big middle finger to the system, and said "you aren't taking away MY ONLY LIFE because of your stupid piece of shit drug laws. Fuck. You."

So so badass. She rocks.
Personally, given that she appears to have led a crime free life since that point in time, I hope they take it easy on her. Maybe in home arrest in CA with her family. Community service etc...

LOL. She's probably going to spend the rest of her life in prison.

I don't think so. I think the public will get behind her. Hopefully her situation will open their eyes to the stupidity of the drug laws in the US. If they are violent, ok. But putting kids in prison for possession.... especially when putting them in for life because of moronic three strikes laws... is flat out wrong.