

the observer
I have been scarce on this MB for the last several weeks. I could blame it on my life, my kids, my dogs...whatever. The truth is, I read the news, the current events and everything else out there daily, and I think it's more negativity than anyone should ever have to deal with. I can hardly stomach it....much less comment on it. Does anyone else ever feel this way?

If not I will just blame it on the pear vodka....or Darla since it was her idea ;)
I have been scarce on this MB for the last several weeks. I could blame it on my life, my kids, my dogs...whatever. The truth is, I read the news, the current events and everything else out there daily, and I think it's more negativity than anyone should ever have to deal with. I can hardly stomach it....much less comment on it. Does anyone else ever feel this way?

If not I will just blame it on the pear vodka....or Darla since it was her idea ;)

Sometimes I feel like that. But it lasts about five minutes, and then my outrage becomes overwhelming and I have to lash out at someone.
I have been scarce on this MB for the last several weeks. I could blame it on my life, my kids, my dogs...whatever. The truth is, I read the news, the current events and everything else out there daily, and I think it's more negativity than anyone should ever have to deal with. I can hardly stomach it....much less comment on it. Does anyone else ever feel this way?

If not I will just blame it on the pear vodka....or Darla since it was her idea ;)

Yeah the times do suck bigtime.
But brace up Meg, hard time are the ones that will seperate the best from the worst. Good people will do their best and shine and some people will just whine.

Many of us will emerge from these troubled times as stronger better people.
But it will not be fun by any means.
I have been scarce on this MB for the last several weeks. I could blame it on my life, my kids, my dogs...whatever. The truth is, I read the news, the current events and everything else out there daily, and I think it's more negativity than anyone should ever have to deal with. I can hardly stomach it....much less comment on it. Does anyone else ever feel this way?

If not I will just blame it on the pear vodka....or Darla since it was her idea ;)

Like USC said , we will all survive this and be better people in the end. I think the serious look at what is really important will do this American culture some real good. The entire world is going to be on this journey. Were in it together.