To All Liberals on these Boards


on indefiniate mod break
Stop acting like God's of debate after you prove dixie or toby wrong. Stop acting like the next einstein after digging up some old quote and shoving their face in it. Ok? It's easy, anyone can do it... it's nothing to gloat about... get over it.
Stop acting like God's of debate after you prove dixie or toby wrong. Stop acting like the next einstein after digging up some old quote and shoving their face in it. Ok? It's easy, anyone can do it... it's nothing to gloat about... get over it.


Translation: "Stop making conservatives on this site look like idiots!
since when is name calling and bad mouthing people proving someone wrong in a debate? There are few debates in here, its mostly shit throwing contests. I don't post often now because there is not much worth posting too.

Now I'm off to watch FOX's Obsession the threat of radical islam.
oh...I think cypress has clearly proven Dixie wrong on many of his assertions. He has shown quite clearly that DIxie made a bet, and that the bet had no "conditions" on it... he even made a thread wondering whether or not I would renege on the bet...and now it is IE who is reneging.

I think cypress has clearly proven that Dixie was joining his pals toby and michaelK in calling me a pedophile over and over again months and months before I retaliated....

I think that toby and his buddy dixie has been proven wrong repeatedly.

It really is kinda like shooting fish in a barrel.
Stop acting like God's of debate after you prove dixie or toby wrong. Stop acting like the next einstein after digging up some old quote and shoving their face in it. Ok? It's easy, anyone can do it... it's nothing to gloat about... get over it.

You do have to admit though that they both seem to have the juiciest quotes; might there be some reason for the ease of this maneuver that you readily admit can be done by "anyone'??????
Grind: Stop acting like God's of debate after you prove dixie or toby wrong.

Dixie: that's ever happened! LMAO!

Here ya go. Here's an example: You claimed zarqawi and al qaeda were collaborating with Iraq, when our own Intelligence agencies concluded they weren't:

1) DIXIE: June 2005: “WAY back... when Pinheads were arguing that WMD weren't a good enough reason to go to war in Iraq, I made a very detailed post on Opinion board, where I listed 22 connections between Saddam and alQaeda. People mostly laughed at me and called me names... questioned my credibility, and never even noticed that I had posted Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's name for the first time on the board. When he was wounded from fighting us in Afghanistan, he left there and went to Iraq. He was treated at a hospital operated by one of Saddam's sons, and this was not Zarqawi's first visit to Iraq, nor his last….So, alQaeda was inside of Iraq, and fully operational before we went into Iraq.”


2) United States Senate Bipartisan Iraq Intelligence Investigation - Phase 2-Released September 8 2006:

-Conclusion: "Postwar findings indicate Zarqawi was in Bagdad from May 2002 until late November 2003. Postwar assessment indicates that Saddam Hussein attempted, unsuccessfuly to locate and capture Zarqawi and that the regime DID NOT have a relationship, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi. "

-Conclusion: "Postwar finding indicate that the CIA assessment that the relationship between Iraq and Al Qaeda resembled "two independent actors trying to exploit each other," accurately characterized bin Ladin's actions, but not those of Saddam Hussein. Postwar finding indicate that Saddam Hussein was distrustful of Al Qaeda and viewed Islamic extremists as a threat to his regime, refusing all requests from Al Qaeda to provide material or operations support.
Stop acting like God's of debate after you prove dixie or toby wrong. Stop acting like the next einstein after digging up some old quote and shoving their face in it. Ok? It's easy, anyone can do it... it's nothing to gloat about... get over it.

Have pity on us, oh! whine whine . This is pretty good stuff :)
Is Dicksie ever right about anything?

If I were you Grind, I'd direct this post to Toby and Dixie and ask them to shut up.

Censorship is always the best solution, right, Rev?

I agree with Gaffer, posting of self-aggrandizing presumptuous braggadocio, is not winning a debate. Prissy posting his cherry-picked blasts from the past, only proves his sick obsession with me, and makes people wonder if he actually keeps an organized database of my words on file, and if it's indexed by topic.

I discovered something amazing about pinheads a long time ago... I can post a thread titled "The Sky Is Blue!" and there would be a consensus of pinheads who would congregate and converge on the thread, to challenge this assessment, and proclaim the sky isn't really blue. They would insult me for being too ignorant to see the wispy white clouds which make the sky not blue, and pontificate on the scientific aspects of light reflections on our atmosphere, which cause the sky to only appear to be blue to simpletons like Dixie. It's absolutely astonishing to me, how far bigoted prejudiced people will go, to project themselves as 'superior' over Dixie.
Typical of liberal mentality. Just make up crap an say you win the debate. LOL How lame. What proof does Grind offer? Not a bit. One statement that I have made that is incorrect. Where is it? There are no libs on this site who will engage in a real debate, all they have is slime, distortion and distraction.
Censorship is always the best solution, right, Rev?

I agree with Gaffer, posting of self-aggrandizing presumptuous braggadocio, is not winning a debate. Prissy posting his cherry-picked blasts from the past, only proves his sick obsession with me, and makes people wonder if he actually keeps an organized database of my words on file, and if it's indexed by topic.

I discovered something amazing about pinheads a long time ago... I can post a thread titled "The Sky Is Blue!" and there would be a consensus of pinheads who would congregate and converge on the thread, to challenge this assessment, and proclaim the sky isn't really blue. They would insult me for being too ignorant to see the wispy white clouds which make the sky not blue, and pontificate on the scientific aspects of light reflections on our atmosphere, which cause the sky to only appear to be blue to simpletons like Dixie. It's absolutely astonishing to me, how far bigoted prejudiced people will go, to project themselves as 'superior' over Dixie.

It takes mere minutes to find positions you held on fullpolitics, that you disavow now.

If you were principled and consistent, there wouldn't be a wide spectrum of your posts, that discount your "sudden" philosophy of bipartisanship and cooperation.

Try honesty and consistency. That way, you won't get busted lying your ass off.
It takes mere minutes to find positions you held on fullpolitics, that you disavow now.

If you were principled and consistent, there wouldn't be a wide spectrum of your posts, that discount your "sudden" philosophy of bipartisanship and cooperation.

Try honesty and consistency. That way, you won't get busted lying your ass off.

This is starting to remind me of Scott/Sarge stuff. I love it.
Sadly, that's almost true. Grind's smart enough to be worth talking to, even when he's wrong, however. Unlike some.

It's sad to say, your endorsement doesn't bode well for Grind's pinhead status. Here is a clue for all you "moderate" conservatives, when a devout pinhead claims you are worth talking to, you're in serious troubled waters.
It's sad to say, your endorsement doesn't bode well for Grind's pinhead status. Here is a clue for all you "moderate" conservatives, when a devout pinhead claims you are worth talking to, you're in serious troubled waters.

Ironically and finally Dixie, who continues to periodically claim how smart he is, admits that at least part of his ploy on this board is to avoid being seen as smart enough to be worthy of being talked to by those with whom he does not agree here. And with his continued whinning and wandering arguments to nowhere he is demonstrating a complelling case for that position.
That is the thing about many libs, you can't prove them wrong. They don't listen to the facts, They are not concerned with what is real but only what they FEEL is right. LOL They never let facts get in the way of what they think!