Stop acting like God's of debate after you prove dixie or toby wrong. Stop acting like the next einstein after digging up some old quote and shoving their face in it. Ok? It's easy, anyone can do it... it's nothing to gloat about... get over it.
Stop acting like God's of debate after you prove dixie or toby wrong. Stop acting like the next einstein after digging up some old quote and shoving their face in it. Ok? It's easy, anyone can do it... it's nothing to gloat about... get over it.
Stop acting like God's of debate after you prove dixie or toby wrong. Stop acting like the next einstein after digging up some old quote and shoving their face in it. Ok? It's easy, anyone can do it... it's nothing to gloat about... get over it.
Grind: Stop acting like God's of debate after you prove dixie or toby wrong.
Dixie: that's ever happened! LMAO!
Translation: "Stop making conservatives on this site look like idiots!
Stop acting like God's of debate after you prove dixie or toby wrong. Stop acting like the next einstein after digging up some old quote and shoving their face in it. Ok? It's easy, anyone can do it... it's nothing to gloat about... get over it.
Is Dicksie ever right about anything?
If I were you Grind, I'd direct this post to Toby and Dixie and ask them to shut up.
Censorship is always the best solution, right, Rev?
I agree with Gaffer, posting of self-aggrandizing presumptuous braggadocio, is not winning a debate. Prissy posting his cherry-picked blasts from the past, only proves his sick obsession with me, and makes people wonder if he actually keeps an organized database of my words on file, and if it's indexed by topic.
I discovered something amazing about pinheads a long time ago... I can post a thread titled "The Sky Is Blue!" and there would be a consensus of pinheads who would congregate and converge on the thread, to challenge this assessment, and proclaim the sky isn't really blue. They would insult me for being too ignorant to see the wispy white clouds which make the sky not blue, and pontificate on the scientific aspects of light reflections on our atmosphere, which cause the sky to only appear to be blue to simpletons like Dixie. It's absolutely astonishing to me, how far bigoted prejudiced people will go, to project themselves as 'superior' over Dixie.
It takes mere minutes to find positions you held on fullpolitics, that you disavow now.
If you were principled and consistent, there wouldn't be a wide spectrum of your posts, that discount your "sudden" philosophy of bipartisanship and cooperation.
Try honesty and consistency. That way, you won't get busted lying your ass off.
Sadly, that's almost true. Grind's smart enough to be worth talking to, even when he's wrong, however. Unlike some.The only person Grind has proved wrong is himself! LOL
Sadly, that's almost true. Grind's smart enough to be worth talking to, even when he's wrong, however. Unlike some.
It's sad to say, your endorsement doesn't bode well for Grind's pinhead status. Here is a clue for all you "moderate" conservatives, when a devout pinhead claims you are worth talking to, you're in serious troubled waters.