To all the liberals on here. I'm sorry.

I've heard people say that. Naturally, I abhor these personal attacks. ("Grugore is really sorry") Why can't we all just get along?
Hello Grugore,

I'm sorry that your terrible behavior forced me to act out of character. You should work on that.

I don't know what you did, but I'm glad you didn't do it to me. As far as I am concerned you have nothing to apologize for.

And nobody else is responsible for how you act. Each of us is responsible for his or her own behavior.
Hello Grugore,

I don't know what you did, but I'm glad you didn't do it to me. As far as I am concerned you have nothing to apologize for.

And nobody else is responsible for how you act. Each of us is responsible for his or her own behavior.
Meh...I think Jade Dragon had it right. ;)
You and Trump have that down pat.. blaming others for your behavior.. You poor thing.

LOL! You must have us confused with black liberals. They're ALWAYS blaming their behavior on white racists. In fact, many of them are calling for white genocide. You project way too much.

what a racist scum

You know that jerk doesn't spend much time in reality. The whole white genocide thing is laughable, and tells me his life is on forums. Apparently he doesn't understand trolls though. He obviously doesn't meet many democrats, because he'd notice how many are white.
You know that jerk doesn't spend much time in reality. The whole white genocide thing is laughable, and tells me his life is on forums. Apparently he doesn't understand trolls though. He obviously doesn't meet many democrats, because he'd notice how many are white.

And yet many of those white democrats support black lives matter. Who support white genocide. I certainly don't see any white democrats condemning BLM. Why is that?