To all the people out there who feel personally attacked when I attack Trump


You are in fact correct, I look down on Trump, but I look even further down on the garbage that worships him. Trump is a dog, and you are a dog's dog.
You are in fact correct, I look down on Trump, but I look even further down on the garbage that worships him. Trump is a dog, and you are a dog's dog.

Dogs are man's best friend, and a bad comparison for him, and his cultists. Trump is America's bout of out of control flatulence, and his cultists use it as cologne.
You are in fact correct, I look down on Trump, but I look even further down on the garbage that worships him. Trump is a dog, and you are a dog's dog.

Pointing out that you are an idiot isn't a defense of Trump, but a reassertion of reason into conversations, Fido.
You are in fact correct, I look down on Trump, but I look even further down on the garbage that worships him. Trump is a dog, and you are a dog's dog.

So… would declare them.....DEPLORABLE? :laugh: I doubt very seriously that you can find in the actual Word of God....the scriptures of advise that would propagate the acceptance of queerness, crime, lawlessness, laziness, lying, unjustified violence for political purposes...etc. The way you DEFEND these sins....and then attempt to cherry pick from THE BOOK. False teachers are a dime a could try TV, there are a great many sheeple to be found in that format. :palm:

Some of us KNOW JESUS.....and believe me you are no true disciple of the Lord's teachings. Jesus defined SPITIRUAL TRUTH from heaven as His mission on earth....He was not sent to fill any socialist bellies...He was sent to reveal spiritual truth that feeds the souls of men that they might work only in truth, not deception in order to obtain the things this physical world might offer. Read and comprehend how the Christ openly chastised those who were only following him waiting for Him to feed their bodies instead of their souls. John 6:26-27

The true message found in scriptures concerning SOCIALISM? "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither would they eat." -- 2 Thessalonians 3:10
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So… would declare them.....DEPLORABLE? :laugh: I doubt very seriously that you can find in the actual Word of God....the scriptures of advise that would propagate the acceptance of queerness, crime, lawlessness, laziness, lying, unjustified violence for political purposes...etc. The way you DEFEND these sins....and then attempt to cherry pick from THE BOOK. False teachers are a dime a could try TV, there are a great many sheeple to be found in that format. :palm:


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Albert Einstein: The more I study science the more I believe in God. There is nothing ambiguous about that statement. Its clear what was meant...….Science cannot answer everything because the created can never be greater than the created. No single part of the whole can become superior to the whole from which it came. Man is a spiritual being.....that needs not only to nurture the physical but the spiritual.

FYI: Opinions are like assholes....everyone has one. Even socialists. But truths are universal and are not for private interpretation. The real message from the Christ that is most fundamental and overlooked by those who live by subjective ad hominem Bull Shit? There is only one thing that can make one truly free...……..TRUTH, that was the mission of God incarnate, to deliver truth from Heaven (the spiritual realm). The Kingdom of the a spiritual kingdom and man will never have access to it as long as he looks to the physical world for its location that resides only in one place....THE HEART OF MAN.

No one really expects the SPIRITUALLY DEAD to ever understand or comprehend that truth.
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