To Boldly Lie Where No Man Has Lied Before


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Covering up the murders in Benghazi was the worst government scandal in my lifetime because Americans fighting for their lives were deliberately left to die when help was available and ready to deploy. There is the slightest chance that Suzy will slip-up and tell us who ordered the first stand down order in Benghazi:

The truth is gone forever. Loading the truth about Benghazi on a star ship and sending it on a one-way trip into outer space is the reason Hillary Clinton gets a:

The liars on the Supreme Court did not give Clinton a free pass in order to bury the contents of her private email server.

The liars were deathly afraid the truth about Benghazi might come out if she testifies about anything.

Six years after the drama regarding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email server began, it turns out she won't have to testify about it in one of the last remaining cases involving its contents.

The Supreme Court on Monday declined to allow the former first lady and 2016 Democrat standard-bearer to be deposed in a lawsuit brought by conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, The Washington Times reported.

Thanks to the on-going conspiracy to coverup Clinton’s crimes the liars on the Supreme Court made sure the public would never learn the name of the man or woman who abandoned Americans fighting for their lives in Benghazi when help was ready to go.

It would have taken four justices on the court to take up the case.
Even with a conservative majority, the motion couldn't get the nod.

Judicial Watch had sought to depose Clinton as part of an ongoing Freedom of Information Act lawsuit requesting her emails regarding the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

In a news release Monday, the group said "the Supreme Court should hear its case because the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit erred in undermining the Freedom of Information Act in giving Clinton unwarranted special treatment that conflicts both with Supreme Court precedent and the precedents of other courts of appeal, including its own."

"Hillary Clinton ignored the law but received special protection from both the courts and law enforcement," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement.

"For countless Americans, this double standard of justice has destroyed confidence in the fair administration of justice," Fitton said. "Americans would never have known about Hillary Clinton’s email and related pay for play scandals but for Judicial Watch’s diligence.

"We expect that the Biden State and Justice Departments will continue to protect her and cover up their own misconduct as we press for additional accountability through the courts."

Clinton's habit of keeping her own email server and address separate from her official State Department email during her tenure as secretary of state only came to light in 2015, according to a timeline of events by CNN.

Clinton claimed it was only for personal correspondence and the 30,000 emails that were deleted from the server weren't of importance. She also said that no classified information had been transmitted through the server.

Those stories began to crumble rapidly, and in January 2016, Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III confirmed that emails marked classified -- including those marked "top secret," the highest level of classification -- were found on the server.

The investigation was closed that July and reopened in October 2016, all because of FBI Director James Comey. (In the latter case, additional emails that hadn't been turned over were found on the laptop of disgraced former Rep. Anthony Weiner, whose wife, Huma Abedin, was a top Clinton aide.)

Clintonistas would blame this for her election loss, although it's worth noting that if she didn't have a private email server designed to skirt federal transparency rules requiring the preservation of emails on government accounts, she wouldn't have been in that mess.

Judicial Watch's litigation goes all the way back to 2014, when the group sued then-National Security Advisor Susan Rice.

Rice, first-runner-up in the Joe Biden veepstakes and current director of the U.S. Domestic Policy Council in the Biden White House, was the public face of the administration on the Sunday morning political chat shows in the wake of the Benghazi attack, in which four Americans were killed.

During her appearances, Rice reiterated that the incident was the result of a mob spurred on by a poorly produced anti-Islam video on YouTube. It turned out that it was a coordinated attack by the terrorist group Ansar al-Sharia.

In the initial lawsuit, Judicial Watch asked for "[c]opies of any updates and/or talking points given to Ambassador Rice by the White House" and "[a]ny and all records or communications concerning, regarding, or relating to talking points or updates on the Benghazi attack given to Ambassador Rice by the White House."

The labyrinthine legal saga that followed eventually touched upon Clinton's emails -- which, we learned on Monday, Judicial Watch won't be able to depose her about.

Fitton has said the Justice and State Departments want to “shut the case completely down."

Critics, meanwhile, have pointed out that others have used private servers.

"Though conservatives have attacked Clinton for her use of a private email server, numerous members of the Trump administration -- including Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, advisor Stephen Miller and former White House Chief of Staff Reince [Priebus] -- similarly used private email accounts and communication methods while in the White House," Allison Durkee wrote in Forbes.

The problem with that explanation is what got discussed on those accounts isn't nearly as sensitive as what was on Clinton's server. Ivanka Trump wasn't responsible for 30,000 deleted emails -- which, while not necessarily the 17 minutes of erased Watergate tape, still casts a shadow over Clinton's legacy. No classified information passed through those accounts. There's been no private email scandal remotely on the level of Clinton's transparent attempt to skirt transparency laws.

And now it looks like she'll never have to talk about it if she doesn't want to.

Hillary Clinton protected from testifying about email server after Supremes reject case
By C. Douglas Golden
Published March 30, 2021 at 10:14am

Finally, the scum in government will never punish one of their own for treason.

Know this if you know nothing else. Covering up Hillary Clinton’s murders in Benghazi opened the floodgate for that filthy piece of garbage in the White House and all of his scum bags. Regardless of the crimes they commit collectively with every law, every policy, and every executive order they legislate they are too big to punish.

Hillary might pay for Clinton Foundation larceny. She might even pay for using a private e-mail server, but she is not going to pay for treason. Treason is the one crime she committed that is too big to punish, nor will any of her agents be charged. The federal government and the media will never besmirch one their own in a devastating trial. Make no mistake about it. In their eyes Hillary Clinton is a goddess of light and goodness on par with the Virgin Mary to Roman Catholics.
who ordered the first stand down order in Benghazi

There was no stand down order in Benghazi. In fact, one of the dead in Beghazi, Glen Doherty, was sent from Tripoli.

There was an extreme shortage of security, and the embassy in Tripoli could not be left unguarded. That meant that a few had to stay behind. That was different from a stand down order, which would have meant that they were not on duty defending the embassy.

The liars were deathly afraid the truth about Benghazi might come out if she testifies about anything.

Clinton had no problem being grilled by Republicans for 11 hours. They had a lot of conspiracy theories, but no evidence. Meanwhile, Republicans are really afraid of testifying.

Thanks to the on-going conspiracy to coverup Clinton’s crimes the liars on the Supreme Court made sure the public would never learn the name of the man or woman who abandoned Americans fighting for their lives in Benghazi when help was ready to go.

As Durham’s gossamer investigation blows away like a fart in a windstorm it is easier to stickup Fort Knox than it is to nail Hillary Clinton for ANY crime she committed:

Durham Subpoenaed Liberal Think Tank As Part Of Probe Into Steele Dossier: Report
Chuck Ross
Investigative Reporter
April 12, 2021 7:53 PM ET