“To copy others is necessary,

Good artists borrow, great artists steal. Picasso

Steal what though?

Picasso obviously didn't copy other pieces of work so he must have been referring to their style, or imagery or concepts.

Of course he may have just been blowing smoke up our asses also.

Who knows.

The fact is that he was a great artist in his own right.
Steal what though?

Picasso obviously didn't copy other pieces of work so he must have been referring to their style, or imagery or concepts.

Of course he may have just been blowing smoke up our asses also.

Who knows.

The fact is that he was a great artist in his own right.

Steal ideas, forms, images, ways of working.
He was correct.

He wasn't referring to blatantly ripping off others works but using them as inspiration.

When I had to write 30 page papers in college I always based it off of other writings then threw in my own insights.

Well, I guess you went a bit further than Joke Biden did. He just copied the 30 page paper verbatim and turned it in...
Way back in the day I thought that Picasso was some historic person from the dark ages, only to find that the guy died within my lifetime. Dali, same thing... (shoot that guy died in 1989... I was in the Navy speaking Russian in classes....)


Learning "Art History" can make a kid think something is rather more "historic" than it really is, more like contemporary rather than historical.
Way back in the day I thought that Picasso was some historic person from the dark ages, only to find that the guy died within my lifetime. Dali, same thing... (shoot that guy died in 1989... I was in the Navy speaking Russian in classes....)


Learning "Art History" can make a kid think something is rather more "historic" than it really is, more like contemporary rather than historical.

Yes, Picasso died in 1973.