To help Yurt the coward remember


This was the part of the Werewolf Game III that described your "character">

Suddenly a pile of rags, in the corner, moved and everyone drew a weapon. As the pile fell apart; they could see that it was Yurt, the last member of their group.
Yurt wasn’t as young as 3D; but was closer to his age, then the rest. The two of them didn’t get along to good and this led to many arguments and insults, between them.
As Yurt stood up, he told 3D that he had heard what he had said about him and he then called 3D a douche.
This of course started yet another argument and once again the accusations flew, back and forth.
Yurt preferred to use a crossbow used this as a reason to pick at Yurt; by claiming that a real man would like to get up close and personal, with his enemy, before killing him.

Yurt and 3D started yet another of their epic disagreements and the rest of the group continued discussing the problem at hand. In the middle of everything, Damo wandered off, where no one could guess.

This was your post where you started mewing about it.

you what, fuck you USF...your excessively long winded tripe was nothing but petty bitching and whining...

there is no way i am reading your long winded diatribes if you're going to continue to be a whiny brat. shorten them up and stop wearing your feelings on your sleeve.

My response to your bitchy little half assed complaint.

What the fuck is your problem, asswipe?? :palm:

Did I shoot your dog, kick your cat, steal your car, or fuck one of your family members; sometime in the past??

But please explain what the fuck crawled up your ass and devoured your tiny little brain. :good4u:

And then this was your "explanation".

go back and read your narrative about me, it was bitchy, whiny and stupid

if you're really that obtuse, i can't help you

I've given you plenty of opportunity to explain why your panties have crawled up your ass; but since then, all you've done is act like a wimp.

Would you care to explain now??


sad really

And now you're blaming your inability to resolve this issue on your COD.
If you were a youth, I coiuld see how this would be a problem; but since you claim to be an adult, you should take ownership and stop relying on excuses. :palm:
lol amazing

her obsession and inability to understand the issue and let it go is beyond amazing. it is extremely sad. i would never guess USF to be such an obsessive freakshow. this is probably the 4th thread created about this 1 issue....there are also probably over 100 posts by USF on this 1 issue.

she needs medication to deal with her mental disorder.
how much longer are you going to obsess over this? how much longer are you going drag the board through this shit? i think everyone would appreciate it if you would just let it go.


Yurt said:
I wish you would stop bringing up the fact that I overreacted and let my alligator mouth over run my hummingbird ass; but it's to late now and I can't figure out how to save myself, so I'll play the victim
truly an unsurprising, immature over emotional whiny post by USF

i've moved on, so have fun whining to yourself :clink:


Yurt said:
I'm such a coward that I can't even give a reasonable explanation for my actions. I'm so ashamed of myself.
I deserve to be shunned and then expelled from this planet.