To those of you who have never been near a hurricane.


Well-known member
Sight seeing at the beach when a hurricane is near isn't a very good idea.
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You cant fix stupid.

I rode out one at Cape Hatteras NC in a poo up trailer when my family was camping there many years ago. They were not very good at hurricane predicting at that time.
Really windy and rained like hell. The creepy part was the eye going over. Calm as could be. Gave up a chance to go tighten the guys holding things down.
I don't know what it is about giant waves, wind, and danger that attracts people. Every time we have a massive gale here, ppl rush down to the shore to watch the waves. Sometimes they're so severe that the huge boulders that make up the seawall get pushed over onto the road, which then has to be closed. In one October blow, two ppl were actually washed off the rocks and into the lake. They never found the woman's body; the man's showed up months later. That one actually destroyed part of the seawall, the road it protected, and Shiras Park.

(We've gone down there to see the waves too so I can't say too much about the ppl in the video in the OP.)
I don't know what it is about giant waves, wind, and danger that attracts people. Every time we have a massive gale here, ppl rush down to the shore to watch the waves. Sometimes they're so severe that the huge boulders that make up the seawall get pushed over onto the road, which then has to be closed. In one October blow, two ppl were actually washed off the rocks and into the lake. They never found the woman's body; the man's showed up months later. That one actually destroyed part of the seawall, the road it protected, and Shiras Park.

(We've gone down there to see the waves too so I can't say too much about the ppl in the video in the OP.)

People are often fascinated with things grander than themselves and people alike. It's why you have videos of a person filming a tornado that very well could be barreling their way.
People are often fascinated with things grander than themselves and people alike. It's why you have videos of a person filming a tornado that very well could be barreling their way.

There is something enthralling about the power of wind, waves, storms in general. I would probably be that guy out there videotaping the twister too.