Tobin Lives


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Let me begin with this reminder:

The first Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded in 1969. In other words it was invented. Alfred Nobel never heard of it. The joke is that the award for the Nobel Prize in Economics is paid by the Sveriges Riksbank.

It came as no surprise to me when James Tobin (1918 – 2002) of Tobin Tax fame won the 1981 Nobel Prize for Economics. Mr. Tobin claimed he was for free markets at the same time he was a big supporter of globalization —— globalization being doublespeak for U.N. taxing authority.

Empowering the United Nations:
The Emancipatory Potential of the Tobin Tax
Abhinav Walia
February 2004

Was I the only one that saw a big contradiction in Tobin’s tax? (The Tobin Tax on financial transactions was proposed in 1972.)

The U.N. works tirelessly to acquire permanent taxing authority through U.N. treaties; especially environmental treaties.

Tobin wanted to tax “. . . global foreign currency exchange transactions which are mainly speculative in nature to empower the United Nations (UN).” Biden wants a lot more.

Notice that this informative article does not tie Biden’s tax to the United Nations where it belongs:

By Alex Hendrie
Real Clear Markets

The Biden administration is pushing a misguided 21 percent global corporate minimum tax on American businesses. At the same time, the administration is pushing for a global agreement amongst foreign countries to set a foreign minimum tax rate of 15 percent.

This is a terrible idea that, if successful, will surrender U.S. sovereignty to foreign leaders in Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, and the European Union in order to bind the world into higher taxes and bigger government.

Fortunately, the proposal requires the sign off of lawmakers in Congress. Democrats and Republicans alike should reject this proposal and stand with American taxpayers. Rather than signing off on this reckless proposal by voting for Biden’s tax hikes, lawmakers should be focused on policies that help American businesses and workers and strengthen innovation, manufacturing, and intellectual property in the U.S.

The Biden administration, led by Secretary Yellen, is pushing the flawed narrative that we need a global agreement locking in high taxes in order to “end the race to the bottom” and “make all citizens fairly share the burden of financing government.”

Unfortunately, the concept is receiving strong approval from foreign countries – it was endorsed last week by the G-7 nations in a joint communique and will soon go before the G20, where it will require the approval of Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, India, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the European Union.

Well, the administration is pushing this global minimum tax agreement concurrently with higher taxes in the U.S, an acknowledgement that the tax increases proposed will make America less competitive.

Biden has proposed 30 tax increases totaling $3 trillion. As part of this plan, he would raise the corporate tax 28 percent (32 percent after state taxes) and enact a 21 percent global minimum tax on American businesses operating overseas.

It should be telling that the Biden admin’s proposal to foreign countries is a 15 percent minimum tax, while his domestically he has proposed a 21 percent minimum tax. Clearly, the administration is not prioritizing American businesses and workers.

While Biden may hope that a global agreement locking in high taxes will mitigate the damage of his trillions in new taxes, this assumes that foreign countries will play by the rules.

It is unrealistic at best and naïve at worst for the U.S. to expect foreign countries – many of which have a history of undemocratic governance and human rights violations -- to play by the rules in a way that ensures American businesses and workers are treated fairly.

In fact, there is already the expectation that China and Russia will find ways to avoid the global minimum tax agreement or ignore it entirely. Chinese media are urging the Chinese Communist party to respond to the G-7 agreement by cutting taxes in order to attract more investment and bolster domestic manufacturing.

China already provides generous tax subsidies to businesses. For instance, they recently enacted a 200 percent deduction for eligible research and development expenses and has a preferential 15 percent tax rate for high-tech enterprises.

Rather than following the lead of global bureaucrats and signing off on Biden’s minimum tax proposal, federal lawmakers should maintain pro-growth tax policies that ensure American workers and businesses can thrive.

The year after the Republicans passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the U.S. was named the most competitive economy in the world. By 2019, the unemployment rate had dropped to 3.5 percent, a 50-year low. In the same year, median household income increased by $4,440 or 6.8 percent, the largest one-year wage growth in history.

The U.S. grew faster than rest of the world and was the only G7 industrialized country to record annual real GDP growth exceeding 2 percent in 2018 or 2019. The U.S. growth rate of 2.9 percent in 2018 was significantly higher than other developed countries like Germany, which saw 1.5 percent growth and the United Kingdom, which grew by just 1.3 percent.

The global minimum tax agreement being pushed by the Biden administration is a terrible idea that will stifle tax competition and lock in big government across the world. U.S. lawmakers should reject this proposal and maintain American tax competitiveness so that workers and businesses can compete and thrive.

Biden's plan puts U.S. taxes under 'global control'
By WND News Services
Published June 13, 2021 at 3:21pm

If the United Nations acquires taxing authority over Americans they must surrender ALL of their sovereignty regardless of Cronkites’s global government sales pitch:

Biden teaming up with two dead guys—— Tobin & Cronkite —— may not qualify as a conspiracy, but it will do until a better one comes along:

Parenthetically, the U.N. has a military force although it is not yet the force U.N. advocates want it to be: A universal police force.

A one government world has always been about giving ruling classes absolute authority, in addition to a universal police force crushing revolutions.

Incidentally, whenever contemporary revolutionaries decide to overthrow their national governments their primary military objective is never the armory —— it is always TV and radio transmitters.

Basically, the New World Order’s agenda is well known. Ditto the utopian economic doctrine that sells the garbage. The U.N. focuses on ending poverty, gender inequality, combating climate change, and opening up borders to illegal aliens and United Nations economic refugees.

Know this if you know nothing else about Democrats. Socialists are not about saving lives through humanitarian interventions. It is about giving the U.N. authority over America’s military might. Turning the U.S. military into a universal police force controlled by the United Nations is precisely what Socialists/Communists have been after since 1945. They will say and do whatever it takes to get there.
The U.N. focuses on ending poverty, gender inequality, combating climate change, and opening up borders to illegal aliens and United Nations economic refugees.​

I hope to hell illegals are not flying first class!

President Joe Biden is allowing Central American economic migrants with pending asylum claims — not just approved claims — to have the Department of State fly their families on the American taxpayer dime to live with them in the U.S.

Biden Policy Allows Migrants with Pending Asylum Claims to Have Families Airlifted to U.S.
by Edwin Mora
16 Jun 2021

Jeez, even Jimmy Peanuts called it:
