Today I got a lesson in what Thanksgiving means.


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Let me preface this by saying it is not about me.

I live in a quiet neighborhood about 2 miles inside I-285 in Atlanta. There is a homeless guy named Cole who walks the 4 lane highway near my house. We are usually out of town for Thanksgiving. But if we are in town, I take a plate up to him.

Today I loaded a plate with turkey, dressing, my awesome gravy, some sweet potato casserole and a couple of rolls, all covered with aluminum foil. And I grabbed a plastic knife, fork and spoon and drove up to find Cole.

Cole is a nice guy. He is also a huge guy. He is easily 3 or 4 inches taller than me, and I am 6'2".

I found him walking down the side of the road and pulled over. I gave him the plate and told him "Happy Thanksgiving". He smiled and said thank you. Then he said he didn't have any money to pay me for the food. When I told him I wouldn't take his money if he had any, his smile bloomed.

I had to go up to make a U-turn after giving him the food. I saw in my rearview mirror as a woman walked towards him. She didn't look homeless per se. But her clothes are worn. As I was driving back home I saw him showing her the food.

Then I saw him hand her the spoon. This man who truly has nothing, is sharing his "bounty" with someone.

And THAT, dear friends is what Thanksgiving is all about.

And I will tell you one other thing I learned. It is hard to drive with tears in your eyes.
Let me preface this by saying it is not about me.

I live in a quiet neighborhood about 2 miles inside I-285 in Atlanta. There is a homeless guy named Cole who walks the 4 lane highway near my house. We are usually out of town for Thanksgiving. But if we are in town, I take a plate up to him.

Today I loaded a plate with turkey, dressing, my awesome gravy, some sweet potato casserole and a couple of rolls, all covered with aluminum foil. And I grabbed a plastic knife, fork and spoon and drove up to find Cole.

Cole is a nice guy. He is also a huge guy. He is easily 3 or 4 inches taller than me, and I am 6'2".

I found him walking down the side of the road and pulled over. I gave him the plate and told him "Happy Thanksgiving". He smiled and said thank you. Then he said he didn't have any money to pay me for the food. When I told him I wouldn't take his money if he had any, his smile bloomed.

I had to go up to make a U-turn after giving him the food. I saw in my rearview mirror as a woman walked towards him. She didn't look homeless per se. But her clothes are worn. As I was driving back home I saw him showing her the food.

Then I saw him hand her the spoon. This man who truly has nothing, is sharing his "bounty" with someone.

And THAT, dear friends is what Thanksgiving is all about.

And I will tell you one other thing I learned. It is hard to drive with tears in your eyes.
It seems those who have the least will share what little they have. Contrast that with those in this nation that will never have enough.

You did a great thing today.
That’s awesome WB. Thanks for sharing that. (Neither here nor there but do you think they knew each other?)

Because I can’t let a good deed just be, here’s my political rant. Mott has talked on this board before about some of his (rural) neighbors in Ohio. Not the most educated, not the most sophisticated and not a lot of money but they would give you the shirt off their back if you needed it.

Then you have some folks who are my neighbors. Exceptional educations, extremely smart and do really really well - but they can also be really sh*tty human beings.

The world is full of all kinds. But many of Mott’s neighbors get sh*t on. Funny to me when we say we want more people to have their caring attitude.
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The lesson in another Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Bicentennial Fourth Reich July Turkey Day has come and gone into Cyber Saturday America after Black Friday where thieving old testaments arsonists are higher than “one nation under God with equal justice under law” for the Sabbath as the South has risen again with Islamidiotocracy flaming flying chariot pseudoscience more perfect union with human reproduction medical pseudoscience Christiananality pedophilia of “serve the Pope or die”……
Hopefully Cole can make it until next Thanksgiving on that meal.

Unless of course you've offered him that spare bedroom.
It seems those who have the least will share what little they have. Contrast that with those in this nation that will never have enough.

You did a great thing today.
Starting with the top 10% of wealth holders, who as a rule are willing to fuck Americans and America over as much as it takes to get more.