Today is National Potato Day

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Are your spuds federally-subsidized?

Michele Bachmann — who might have a more pressing political concern with the "corn" problem — just had to salt this issue with Tea Party buzz-logic in a tweet this morning: "Where in the Constitution does it say the fed. government should regulate potatoes in school lunches? It doesn't."

Well, we're not sure if the Constitution makes a lot of specific food recommendations for lunch-program grant money that state and local governments accept. It allows for such grants to exist, though.

And c'mon, the Founding Fathers probably didn't care for Irish slave food.

Of course, Bach-to-Mom's family farm got over a quarter million taxpayer dollars from Uncle Sam....maybe they raise potatoes.

Are your spuds federally-subsidized?

Michele Bachmann — who might have a more pressing political concern with the "corn" problem — just had to salt this issue with Tea Party buzz-logic in a tweet this morning: "Where in the Constitution does it say the fed. government should regulate potatoes in school lunches? It doesn't."

Well, we're not sure if the Constitution makes a lot of specific food recommendations for lunch-program grant money that state and local governments accept. It allows for such grants to exist, though.

And c'mon, the Founding Fathers probably didn't care for Irish slave food.

Of course, Bach-to-Mom's family farm got over a quarter million taxpayer dollars from Uncle Sam....maybe they raise potatoes.


The correct spelling of 'potato' is r - e - p - u - b - l - i - c - a - n. My apologies to all potatoes out there.