Today we go to pick up our new dog...


Staff member
Tonight we pick up our newest addition to the house. One 10 month old Australian Shepherd named, well currently named, Yahtzee.

We will very likely change that name. She was a lost and found dog, so her current name hasn't yet stuck in.

She was a lovely and peaceful dog when we met her, even to our current dog who is despondant after the death of her compatriot in arms, Raven Humphrey Dumpster.

Poor girl went through surgery this morning to remove her ovaries... Good thing we went shopping last night for her stuff, wouldn't want her to suffer waiting for us.
i saw you other thread about your other dog... sorry to hear that.

australian sheperds are great dogs, i want to get a second dog but i must ait until i get a good fence up, otherwise it will just be maddness
I'm so glad, Damo! :) You'll love her! As you know I have a two-yr.-old male Aussie and he's the greatest. Over the weekend at the dog show (I worked at the Obedience ring) my guy's sister gave my face a thorough wash, more than once. There's nothing better for either your complexion or your blood pressure. :)

Congrats. Your lonely dog will be really happy too; I know this as well from experience.
I've never known any Aussie Shepherds but one of the best dogs I ever had was a Queensland Blue Heeler. Whew, but that mutt ran us ragged! He used to herd my Irish Wolfhound. Quite effectively too: he had her totally buffaloed despite the fact she was three times his size.

Seriously, congratulations Damo. Especially since you're getting a pound puppy. :)
i saw you other thread about your other dog... sorry to hear that.

australian sheperds are great dogs, i want to get a second dog but i must ait until i get a good fence up, otherwise it will just be maddness
Thanks for the compassion. The Australian Shepherd was the breed that we were looking for when the Schipperke struck us and we wound up with him instead.

The kids are excited and Diva appeared to like her. I hope that continues at home.
Poor girl went through surgery this morning to remove her ovaries... Good thing we went shopping last night for her stuff, wouldn't want her to suffer waiting for us.

I'm sure she'll cheer up when you present her with a shiny new hat-box.

(I can't say that i'm an expert on female hattery but the bitches down the park give Philip Treacy's haute couture collection four woofs out of five.)
Aussie are awsome dogs. My 11 year old best friend is an Aussie from doggy jail. She was 3 months old when we found her in a cage and she has been nothing but fun this whole time. They are Hansome ,soft ,brillient ,dont shed much and dont knock things off the coffee table due to their stub tails.

My girl can tell time (she informs when its time to go to the dog park so she can see her favorite dog friends). She can understand full sentances and loves to be in the car just for the ride. Unfortunately my car windows always have dog nose smudges on them.
It all comes down to how the two girls get along together. She appears to be very peaceful, but my Whippet suddenly seems to have grown some possessiveness that she didn't exhibit before now.

I'm hoping they get along. That and that I can train the dog to know the difference between the basement and outside....

Catch the dog going outside and praise her. Once was all my aussie needed to figure it out.

Lay the whippet down when it gets all posessive and remain calm and let the aussie sniff the whippet and it will make the whippet submitt to the aussie. Once your whippet KNOWS you will make her do this every time she acts this way she/he will stop. Learned this from Ceaser on The dog whisperer and it works great. You lay them on their side and place your fingers ( make a claw shape with you hand) on their neck. It reminds the dog of its mother holding them gently down with her mouth. You then relax while doing this and make them lay there until they are calm while the ohter dog is sniffing them. You are their pack leader and they need to know you control the pack and you deside who submitts to who in the pack. They then understand exactly what you want. Its dog speak for you guys are equals.
That's great Damo! I'm sure she's going to be a wonderful addition to the family.
So far she is. Diva is a bit jealous, but starting to get used to her. She is quite the passive pup though. She is bigger than Diva, but seems to submit readily to her.