Today's ode to a man who kicked DEMOCRAT ass

Русский агент

Путин - м&#108

There once was a woman who had lots of cash, her only qualification was having a gash. The polls said she'd win, it was a done deal. Her supporters exulted at her widespread appeal. Then came the day that the votes were all counted. Donald Trump's tally her hopes all surmounted. Her dreams lay in ruins, her campaign had failed, her crying supporters all wept and they wailed.
The moral of the story, as anyone can see, is don't believe what DEMOCRATS say on TV
Do you think JFK would recognize what became of his party ? Zel Miller saw it coming. Wonder if guessed it would descend to this ?
Do you think JFK would recognize what became of his party ? Zel Miller saw it coming. Wonder if guessed it would descend to this ?

Of course.

Don't forget that the Kennedy bothers were the sons of a bootlegger who was pals with Hitler, mobsters and murderers.

JFK only stole the election in 1960 through the intercession of Dick Daley's crooked fraudulent votes.

Kennedy was a disaster as president, and immoral as they come.

The Bay of Pigs was a colossal fuck-up.

One of his brothers left a girl he wasn't married to in a car to drown and stayed drunk for years. The other was shot before he could do any further damage.

DEMOCRATS are scum.