
Uncle Sam gets to swat your fascist throes again. Common thought, good, and decency win and if any of you punks get taken out it can't be helped and was brought on yourself. I'll say a prayer.
Protesting fraud is not the same thing as overturning certified elections. Otherwise, the key to Whig and Republican victories every year since 1828 would have just been to protest fraud.
Protesting fraud is not the same thing as overturning certified elections. Otherwise, the key to Whig and Republican victories every year since 1828 would have just been to protest fraud.
There was no fraud, it’s another lie! That’s three, you’re out...
Protesting fraud is not the same thing as overturning certified elections. Otherwise, the key to Whig and Republican victories every year since 1828 would have just been to protest fraud.

Tell that to Trump and The Proud Pussies.