Tony Snow: Black Candidates Will Always Try To Play The Rce Card (Video)


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Tony Snow on MSNBC: "I mean, maybe I’m just quaint in this day and age. But no, I think there is always an attempt when you have got an African-American candidate to try to attribute something to the race card."

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Not surpised. This is why blacks don't vote for republicans en mass even though they generally conservative on most issues.
Not surpised. This is why blacks don't vote for republicans en mass even though they generally conservative on most issues.

Now, Barbara blackman ran for lieutanant governer in our state. She lost by 10 points. What did she immediately say? "It's cause I'm black". No, Barbara, it's because you're a moron. Cynthia McKinney hit a man who tried to check her ID, being so arrogant as to believe that everyone in the US had to immediately recongize her ugly face whenever they saw it. What did she say? Did she say sorry? No, she blamed the media attention and him not recongnizing her on the fact that she was black (well, actually there's been scientific studies done that people who were raised by one race find it harder to recongnize other races immediately, but let's just ignore science and say he did it on purpose). It's almost gotten annoying, how much black candidates turn to that one standby, that it makes my ears bleed, and there are few who don't use it anymore.
It's almost gotten annoying, how much black candidates turn to that one standby, that it makes my ears bleed, and there are few who don't use it anymore.

In McKinney's case she was clearly out of line. But its also dangerous to discount all claims of racism because of a few that abuse the system.
i agree with tiana....

be careful watermark, that you do not fall for ''the over emphasising a falsely claimed racism case like mckinney's'' by certain people that want to make you think that every case of racism is meaningless and unwarranted, allowing REAL cases of racism being discounted by these generalisms imo....while many cases of racism are never even spoken about or brought before any legal system.... i've witnessed it three times in the last 9 years, here in massachusetts. i realize that is not alot, but for just one person, me witnessing this, i can't imagine how much racism really goes on in the world! ya know?
