Tony Soprano Is Alive and Well in This New Sopranos Quarantine Scene Share

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
PAULIE WALNUTS: Man, people call me a germaphobe. Big laugh. Now all I’ve got to say is: See, motherfuckers? And I knew some fuckin’ thing like this was going to happen. I saw the Holy Mother at Bada Bing.

TONY SOPRANO: Sports betting? Fucking gone with the wind, along with professional sports. Me and my friends are dying over here. The president might have a point. Let’s get business and manufacturing going again — by Easter, May Day, whatever the fuck.

MEADOW SOPRANO: I should’ve gone to medical school. I feel so bad about my decision.

CARMELA SOPRANO: I’m so glad my daughter didn’t go to medical school. Imagine where’d she be right now.

CHRISTOPHER MOLTISANTI: I’ve been to Hollywood. Out there they should call it the swine flu.

ADRIANA LA CERVA: I’d volunteer or something. I feel so bad. I’ve been crying a lot, but I got an underlying condition. Irritable bowel syndrome, right? I can’t reach my doctor to find out if that would exclude me passing out masks or something.

DR. MELFI: I’m on the second line over the hospital. When and if those brave docs burn out, I’m out next.

A.J. SOPRANO: At one time I wanted to work for Trump. You believe it? Fuck me, dude.

CARMELA: We’re not doing well with the quarantine in our house. It’s making me face the music that this is a dysfunctional family. But it’s keeping my husband in, which is good.

TONY: Bing fuckin’ shut down, my income stream was already compromised. We can keep the pork store open, though, essential critical infrastructure. Pork!

SILVIO DANTE: We told the girls we’d keep them all on furlough. Lap dancers were the first to go.

JUNIOR SOPRANO: What’s everybody upset about?

JOHNNY SACK: It used to be part of our thing, going to the mattresses. But this?

BOBBY BACALA: Yes, that’s all emergency. I took all this shit because I got my predictions about it wrong. They said Quasimodo, T said Nostradamus, my wife bought a Nostradamus book, and I looked and it didn’t say anything about this. Weird thing is, though, my son Robert went to Notre Dame.

JUNIOR: I saw on Fox this jerk-off, the lieutenant governor of Texas, said he didn’t mind dying to help the economy because he’s over 70 with some grandkids or some shit. Maybe we can help him out with that

PHIL LEOTARDO: Truckload of hand sanitizer, I’m cleaning up.

TONY: In my father’s day, you got polio, tuberculous, whatever the fuck, you dealt with it. Whatever happen to Gary Cooper?

LIVIA SOPRANO: You know what I’m gonna say.
PAULIE WALNUTS: Man, people call me a germaphobe. Big laugh. Now all I’ve got to say is: See, motherfuckers? And I knew some fuckin’ thing like this was going to happen. I saw the Holy Mother at Bada Bing.

TONY SOPRANO: Sports betting? Fucking gone with the wind, along with professional sports. Me and my friends are dying over here. The president might have a point. Let’s get business and manufacturing going again — by Easter, May Day, whatever the fuck.

MEADOW SOPRANO: I should’ve gone to medical school. I feel so bad about my decision.

CARMELA SOPRANO: I’m so glad my daughter didn’t go to medical school. Imagine where’d she be right now.

CHRISTOPHER MOLTISANTI: I’ve been to Hollywood. Out there they should call it the swine flu.

ADRIANA LA CERVA: I’d volunteer or something. I feel so bad. I’ve been crying a lot, but I got an underlying condition. Irritable bowel syndrome, right? I can’t reach my doctor to find out if that would exclude me passing out masks or something.

DR. MELFI: I’m on the second line over the hospital. When and if those brave docs burn out, I’m out next.

A.J. SOPRANO: At one time I wanted to work for Trump. You believe it? Fuck me, dude.

CARMELA: We’re not doing well with the quarantine in our house. It’s making me face the music that this is a dysfunctional family. But it’s keeping my husband in, which is good.

TONY: Bing fuckin’ shut down, my income stream was already compromised. We can keep the pork store open, though, essential critical infrastructure. Pork!

SILVIO DANTE: We told the girls we’d keep them all on furlough. Lap dancers were the first to go.

JUNIOR SOPRANO: What’s everybody upset about?

JOHNNY SACK: It used to be part of our thing, going to the mattresses. But this?

BOBBY BACALA: Yes, that’s all emergency. I took all this shit because I got my predictions about it wrong. They said Quasimodo, T said Nostradamus, my wife bought a Nostradamus book, and I looked and it didn’t say anything about this. Weird thing is, though, my son Robert went to Notre Dame.

JUNIOR: I saw on Fox this jerk-off, the lieutenant governor of Texas, said he didn’t mind dying to help the economy because he’s over 70 with some grandkids or some shit. Maybe we can help him out with that

PHIL LEOTARDO: Truckload of hand sanitizer, I’m cleaning up.

TONY: In my father’s day, you got polio, tuberculous, whatever the fuck, you dealt with it. Whatever happen to Gary Cooper?

LIVIA SOPRANO: You know what I’m gonna say.

FYI half those people got whacked