APP - Too bad liberals don't really believe in Federalism

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
If they did, they wouldn't have to worry about the Supreme Court ruling on gun issues.

The original intent of the US Constitution was to limit and empower the federal government. The Bill of Rights was a charter of inherent rights that the federal government could not abridge.

It was believed that EACH and every state would have its own Constitution and would govern its affairs as an individual entity as they see fit. the first usurpation of power the Supreme Court came along in Marbury v Madison and claimed for itself the sole right of "interpreting the US Constitution" a power never delegated by the Founders.

How does this impact the current debate? Well, if leftists really believed in Federalism then each State would be able to define its own gun laws. If California wanted to flat out ban all guns, they would be able to and not have to worry about judicial review by the US Supreme Court.

If the great state of Texas wanted to mandate that people be required to own a gun then they would be able to and they would not be subject to review by the US Supreme Court.

But, alas, the Supreme Court is now treated as the final arbiter in ALL things and so lefties have to lie within the bed they created.