Too bad Repugs did not enact the "Nuclear Option"!


Well-known member
It would have been great had the Republicans done away with Fillabusters then lost the majority!

I want to see how much they try to use fillabusters after all the bellyaching they did about Democrats using it!
It would have been great had the Republicans done away with Fillabusters then lost the majority!

I want to see how much they try to use fillabusters after all the bellyaching they did about Democrats using it!
Why should they feel the need to be shy? Fair is fair.
The so-called "nuclear option" was a bad idea then and would be a bad idea now. I think a lot of Republicans in Congress can see that very clearly now.
Some did right away... I remember some Rs keeping it from happening stating that, "later we will need it." They were right. They were called traitors and liberals and many other denigrating words but still held their ground.
couldn't they have changed the rule again before the congress turned over? why can't the dems change it now?
couldn't they have changed the rule again before the congress turned over? why can't the dems change it now?
They can, but they won't because they know that as soon as the Filibuster on Judges rules were put in place the next time the Rs were in power they'd do it to. I fully believe that the whole "traitor" game was a planned reaction to a realized plan. This made them look more hard-lined without looking like the whole party caved.
It would have been great had the Republicans done away with Fillabusters then lost the majority!

I want to see how much they try to use fillabusters after all the bellyaching they did about Democrats using it!
Okay, first of all, the nuclear option wasn't a get rid of all filibusters plan. It was only to kill them for Judges so that they couldn't stop votes on a candidate.
I dont know how many uninformed Republicans I had come to me and ask why Democrats wanted to Fillabuster so bad. They had no idea it was a tactict Republicans had ever used in the past and were so sure it was soo unamerican!

Ill bet most of them would be for it now!
Too many sheep out there Jarod. And the Republicans had a larger sheeple (political parrots) following by far than the demoncrats had.
The demoncrat following is more diverse and vaired, both a weakness and a strength.
Too many sheep out there Jarod. And the Republicans had a larger sheeple (political parrots) following by far than the demoncrats had.
The demoncrat following is more diverse and vaired, both a weakness and a strength.

I agree... THat is one of the reasons I think the Democrats are the lesser of two evils.
I dont know how many uninformed Republicans I had come to me and ask why Democrats wanted to Fillabuster so bad. They had no idea it was a tactict Republicans had ever used in the past and were so sure it was soo unamerican!

Ill bet most of them would be for it now!
The filibuster is not now, or has it ever been, unique to a particular party.

But the question remains regarding when a filibuster can be employed. The way it reads (regarding advise and consent issues) is essentially a writ of mandamus codified.
Perhaps the dems could enable the nuclear option for funding debates only :D

If they were as hypocritical as the Republicans they would at least make a huge threat to do it, and then they would try to say the Republicans were anti-American for even considering fillibuster!
If they were as hypocritical as the Republicans they would at least make a huge threat to do it, and then they would try to say the Republicans were anti-American for even considering fillibuster!

Absolutely, there is little honor or shame in politics.