Too many blacks!

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head
Too many blacks. Too damn many blacks! Everywhere. In almost all the seats. Standing in the aisles. Peering in through the door held ajar by the man with the dreads. Some with two and three kids - who behave remarkably well - in tow. Too damn many - that was the thought running through my head as I looked around. An audience of 90% blacks with a few whites interspersed. I am really uncomfortable now. This is not right I thought, there are too may of 'them' and not enough of 'us,' us being white folks like me. As we form a line to move on, I count: 1,2,3,4,5...10, 11...14, 15, 16. Sixteen blacks stand in the line in front of me between me and an Indian woman with a dot. Holy crap. The demographics of this group look nothing like the population at large. After all this is traffic court. Nine hundred and forty two defendants on the docket the clerk had said. "Mr. Shabazz, you are guilty of DWB. The sentence is $103 fine and ten days suspended sentence pending payment of the fine. Pay the Clerk." The Judge cranks it out like a machine... an ATM machine for the county. One down, 941 left to go.
There's too many whites. Why don't you crackers just go back to Europe where you belong? And even then, feel free to bring arsenic along with you when you do get up off of your lazy pasty asses and waddle out the door.
There's too many whites. Why don't you crackers just go back to Europe where you belong? And even then, feel free to bring arsenic along with you when you do get up off of your lazy pasty asses and waddle out the door.

Damn straight foo, cuz da blacks belong here more than the europeans.
There's too many whites. Why don't you crackers just go back to Europe where you belong? And even then, feel free to bring arsenic along with you when you do get up off of your lazy pasty asses and waddle out the door.
LOL That reminds me of a cute story. When I lived in Dayton, Ohio I had a friend who was a full blooded Cherokee. Now as native Americans go, Cherokee's tend to be tall with brownish skin instead of bronze and angular features so it would be easy to mistake one for some one of Mediteranean descent. Well one night at my buddys house a couple of his red neck friends from Kentucky came over and somehow the the conversation became about African Americans. As can be expected, these idiot were saying the usual racist shit and then they started saying "They ought to send them all back where they came from" my native American friend whole heartedly agreed with them and what was hillarious was these red necks didn't get it! I was laughing my ass off and these red necks were like "What the hells so funny?"
Is anyone else amused as much as I by the ad at the top of this thread?
